Chapter 15

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I looked over my shoulder as I heard the crash of a beer bottle against the yellow stained wall. My heart pounded hard against my chest as I hurried into my room, and locked the door. I jumped over onto my bed, and hid behind my duvet and pillow. I breathed rapidly as someone pounded on the locked door. I realized I had begun to shake, and tried to calm myself down, but failed when the man yelled at me to let him in, and pounded on the door again.

"LET ME IN!" I didn't answer, my voice would definitely fail me. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, but flinched when something thumped against the door. It was something heavy. Something thumped against the door again, and it creaked. It was going to break. I quickly got up and looked panicked around in my little room. I had nowhere to hide. The thing slammed against the door once again, and it opened. Revealing a fat almost bald furious person, standing in the doorway.

The person loudly breathed in, through his mouth, and released the air slowly out of his mouth again.

"When I tell you to open the door, you open it." The man whispered slowly. So it sounded threatening. Shocked, I took a step back, away from the drunk man.

"You'll learn not to stand up against me." Smelly Gabe said, and slowly started to walk or stagger over to me. I widened my eyes, and my breathing became uneven. I backed away from him, but he shot towards, and grabbed my arm in a tight grip. He swung me over to the bed, and pushed me down, and grabbed my wrists with one hand, and then started to fiddle with the zipper to my pants. I tried screaming, but he put a big fat disgusting smelling hand over my mouth.

"Shhh," He shushed, and smiled at me. But it wasn't a welcoming one. More like a smile where you know you're a dead man. He opened my pants and dragged them down.

Since he didn't have his hand over my mouth I screamed as he grabbed me.

I jolted up screaming, hitting my head into something just over me. Someone moaned, and I grabbed out my pocket knife on the bedside table, and pointed it at the dark shadow standing on the floor, rubbing their face, I probably hit.

"W-who are y-yo-you?" I stammered, my hand was shaking as the knife was pointed at the person. The person looked up, but I couldn't see who it was. Gabe had found me! I began hyperventilating, and dropped the knife onto the floor, and creeped away from the person, shaking all over my body.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's okay, you're not there!" The person slowly walked towards me, but stopped as I moved even further away from him. He reached out for the lamp next to the bed and turned it on. Revealing a smelly Gabe- Nathan? "See, I'm not him." He said softly, and walked over to me, and sat on the edge of the bed. "You're safe now." He whispered, and slings an arm around my shoulders, hugging me, and stroking my hair. "You're safe." He whispered.

A tear crawled down my cheek, and I leaned onto him. I could still feel Gabe's touch on me, and I felt disgusting.

"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" Nathan asked, and looked down on me. I probably looked pathetic. He must hate me, for being so weak. I shook my head, and he nodded. We sat like that for a few minutes, in peaceful silence, the only thing that could be heard was my whimpering. After some time, I finally had the courage to ask something I had been thinking about.

"H-how did you k-know I-I had a-a-a nig-nightm-m-mare?" I asked and looked up at my ex boyfriend. He smiled softly at me.

"I had a feeling you might need me." He answered, leaving me a little confused.

"A feeling?" I sat back up, and wiped away the tears on my face.

"Yea, like when you asked me about the prophecy, or when you asked if the Seven had forgiven you.." He replied. I nodded, it didn't answer my question, but I had learned not to push him. I closed my eyes, and leaned into him, this was nice. My breathing softened and I felt safe.

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