Gears of War: Exile Act 1 Chapter 1: Evacuation

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Humanity. The most Genocidal monsters on the planet Sera. So genocidal that we almost led our own species to extinction. After thousands of years of fighting, we threw down our weapons and surrendered to ourselves.

A much needed period of peace let us advance in technology we could never have imagined. All of the growth in technology soon slowed. Sera was in an energy crisis.

That was until we discovered a yellow glowing liquid called Imulsion.
After a scientist named Helen Cooper converted the Imulsion into a powerful energy source the world's economy collapsed.

Countries that didn't have an abundance of Imulsion in their borders went to war with other rival countries with high amounts of Imulsion deposits.

This would be known as the Pendulum Wars. The two superpowers of Sera, the Union of Independent Republics and the Coalition of Ordered Governments, fought for 79 years.

That was until the UIR made a weapon of mass destruction, appropriately named, the Hammer of Dawn. The COG stole the weapon and used it on the UIR. The UIR surrendered.

Peace came once more, but just 6 weeks later, an enemy more powerful than the UIR and COG combined emerged from the depths. This enemy would be known as The Locust Horde. A species of white-skinned grey-scaled humanoid creatures that matched our species genocidal tendencies.

Men, Women, and Children were slaughtered without a hint of mercy or hesitation. ¼ of the population was wiped out on the first day of the Locust's emergence.

Now, we are being threatened by this new ferocious enemy. Hundreds of thousands of people die each day, and yet, we still might have a fighting chance.

Act 1 Chapter 1: Evacuation

12:59, Kinnerlake Highway, 29th day of Bloom, 1 A.E

It must've been pretty damn alarming to see over a dozen COG APC's in the middle of a busy road. Yesterday, the commanding officer of Kinnerlake Sector Control, Eddica Assean, told us that all units stationed at the Sector Control would be recalled to Ephyra, the capital of Tyrus. Due to the recent locust sightings in Kinnerlake, I would've stayed behind to make sure the peaceful little town didn't get attacked by any grubs, but Eddica wouldn't let me stay.

Instead, I'm riding in the passenger seat of an Armadillo APC. In the driver of the vehicle, Vance was listening to the radio. It was a very common thing to see Vance listening to music or messing around on the radio to find the "perfect station".

"Don't you think it's a little weird that we're being called back to Ephyra?" Jeff Harrison asked

"Nah, Gear units are recalled every day" Jerry Davis, Jeff's best friend, replied

"Yeah, but how often do you hear about entire CIC's being recalled, huh?"

"It's not just Kinnerlake Sector Control guys, every unit outside of the Jacinto Plateau has been recalled to Ephyra," Vance said.

"You guys think it's permanent?" I asked. No one answered.

My earpiece beeped "This is KR-five-two to Major Assean, we caught visual of the train carrying the ammunition and Imulsion, over"

"This is Captain Dimitri. Permission to fly over to pick up the munitions"

"Permission granted, Captain. I'll have KR one-seven pick ya up"

Jerry groaned "Can we listen to something else Vance?"

"Nope, I'm the driver, so I get to choose the tunes." We hit a bump.

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