Act 1 Chapter 5: Zero Hour (The Crack of Dawn)

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SJPD, 12:38

During the preparation for our mop-up team, I was tasked with loading a King Raven with a bunch of munitions and weapons. When the King Raven was loaded and filled up with fuel, I saw Eddica and Amie saying their goodbye's to Alina.

"Please, don't go mom" Alina hugged her mother

"Alina, I have to go, chairman's orders"

"Hey sis, I need some help over here" I heard Randy yell. Eddica gave Alina one more hug before she went to help her brother. "Amie," she said as she started to tear up fearing of what could happen to her mother

"Don't worry little sister, I'll bring her home safe and sound, I promise"

"..After years of endless war, Humanity had finally found peace. Until emergence day. When a monstrous new enemy, black hearted and savage emerged from below and lay siege to our world. Our losses have been great. Our resolve is far greater. My fellow Tyrans. Today, the Coalition of Ordered Governments strikes back. These unclean beasts, these Locust, will advance no further. I, Chairman Prescott have authorized a planetary strike from our Hammer of Dawn weapon's arsenal. On my order, the COG has placed infantry detachments in key cities to mop up any surviving locust. For those citizens that are unable to evacuate to safety in time, the Coalition appreciates your sacrifice. Please forgive us. This is the only way."

13:00, 30th Day of Bloom. 3 Days before the Hammer Of Dawn Strikes

Jerry turned off the little TV on a table in the bunker. "'the only way' my ass" he said angrily. "We should be out there helping people evacuate, not sitting here in this stupid ass bunker waiting for the big cheese to show the locust how big of a dick he ha-"

"Jerry, that's enough" Eddica said "Orders are orders especially from the chairman."

"Well, Morals are also morals apparently," Jerry said angrily. "Mom, isn't there some way we can disobey orders without disobeying orders?" Amie asked. Eddica looked at her daughter then she looked around the bunker we were in. She sighed

"Shit. Alright. During the very early days of the Pendulum Wars bunkers were built in most of the large cities. Now Kinnerlake may not be the largest but it certainly would've done quite a number on our economy and our food supply if the UIR bombed the place"

"Fucking ironic that Prescotts frying the place then" Corporal Phillups said. He was an average sized dude, well at least in Gear standards. He had a goatee and a somewhat sharp jawline. His hair was buzzed. He was examining his helmet.

"We could send a few teams to each of the other bunkers. Three teams of five Gears"

"Oh look, the Major knows how to do math"

Randy looked at Phillups "Shut the hell up"

"Me, Amie, Ethan, Dom, and Jeff will stay here. Our temporary designation is Mop-up team Alpha. Corbin, Jake, Jerry, Phillups, and Randy, your new temporary designation is Mop-up Team Beta. you guys are in charge of getting them into the bunker right underneath the Townhall. Isaac, Daniel-"

"Danny" Danniel Carmine said

" Jacobson, Dalton, and Cameron, you'll be going out to the Bunker just a few clicks North of the Kinnerlake mall. go through the sewers.. You guys are Mop-up Team Charlie"

"So, what if any of the civies don't want shelter?"

"Then they don't need to take shelter. Especially if they can make it back to the Jacinto Plateau area in time"

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