Act 1 Chapter 4: The Bigger They Are

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"This is KRGS Nine Four trying to reach out for Major Eddica Assean"

The brumak roared right outside of the apartment building. KRGS was the callsign of a King Raven Gunship. King Raven Gunships were a variant of King Raven helicopters that sacrificed the side-mounted chain guns and soldier capacity for thicker armor, larger fuel tanks, laser-guided anti-tank missiles and pod-mounted chain guns.

"I'm here Nine Four what's up?"

"Requesting your location major"

"Um," the brumak roared again "Hiding from a brumak in an apartment building in Corren"

"Repeat Major, you said 'brumak'?"

"Yeah, and since you're in a gunship I suggest you haul your ass over here and take care of it"

"Okay, we'll be headed your way"

Amie looked at Eddica and Eddica at Amie "We've got this sweetie"

"Randy here,"

"Go ahead"

"You guys want us to get it off your ass?"

"Randy, just don't do anything stupid"

"You should listen to your sister, man," Jake said nervously

"You got your rifle loaded?"

"Yes but-"

"Good, cause we're going to lure this motherfucker away"

Eddica Assean heard a crash behind her. It sounded like glass shattering down the hall near the front of the building. They were actually hiding behind a dirty bed in one of the rooms. The wall opposite the one they were facing was riddled with bullet holes. Massive bullet holes.

"Stay here mom, I'll go check it out,"

"Amie, wait!" the brumak roared again "Shut your ass up!" she shouted at the brumak. She turned back and Amie had left the room.

Eddica went to chase after her daughter but stopped when she heard a whoosh noise followed by her daughter yelling "Shit! Wretches!"

Amie pulled back her rifle's charging handle. One of the four or five wretches lunged forward. Amie ended up kicking it in the face causing it to stumble back, then she ended up shooting it twice in the face.

Another one to her left snarled. She turned her attention to that one, which was inching its way closer every few seconds. She shot that one dead, then the second to last wretch lunged at her. She hit it in the stomach with the butt of her rifle when its filthy and dirty claws were only inches away from her face. It flew back and collided with the other wretch putting it on its back.

"Come on. I thought you guys wanted some more" The wretches both got themselves out of their two-thinged dogpile. Amie switched the firing mode on her rifle from semi-auto to auto.

She raised the rifle, pressing it against her unarmored shoulder. She inhaled through her nose and started unloading on the two wretches. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Mom, we're good, it's all clear," Eddica came out of the room down the hall. "Look out!" Amie turned around. It was the fifth wretch. Without thinking, Amie charged at the wretch, bayonet aimed right at its abdomen. She impaled the creature halfway through the torso. Despite the fact that it had a knife in its stomach it still tried to claw and bite at her.

She had to make sure that blade went all the way through, so she relied on good old gravity to do the rest. She lifted it up and then it slid down the blade, going limp. She swung her rifle and the now-dead creature slid off the blade. The brumak roared outside the building.

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