Act 2 Chapter 3 : An All Too Familiar Kind of Monster

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King Raven

"Get off me!" Jerry was being restrained by two men dressed in reinforced armor. One of them was smiling a toothy grin. Ash drew her Snub pistol and aimed it at one of the men. "Back up. Back the fuck up!" She felt something hard hit the back of her head. She fell to the ground. The man that slammed a rock over her head chuckled and said "She's a pretty one ain't she"

I've done this before, Jerry thought. He went for his knife. It wasn't in his sheath. Oh shit he thought. He felt one of the men kick him in the back of his right leg.

He fell on his knees. The men were still gripping his hands. "Look fellas, we got a Gear!" one of them said. Jerry hocked up some saliva and he spit in the man's face.

One of the men kicked him in the stomach. He couldn't breathe for a second. He was on his back. He felt two of the men start to restrain his hands. They hosted him onto his knees, squeezing his arms tightly. There was a man sitting in front of him. The man caressed the knife in his hands, grinning as he stared at the blade with eagerness in his eyes. It was Jerry's serrated combat knife. The bastard must've taken it out of his sheeth. "What's your name, Gear?" the man said

"Fuck you!" Jerry yelled. "That's an awful name" the man chuckled "so, 'fuck you' this knife's pretty sharp, yeah?" The man looked at the knife and ran his fingers across the blade. It made Jerry feel uneasy. "You've got ten fingers. How many will you lose? So tell us where the rest of those fascists are''

"Why don't we find out? Let's see how loud a Gear can cry for mercy" the man smiled. The man with Jerry's combat knife grabbed his wrist, holding it tightly.

"Where are your friends?"

"Shove it up your ass!" The man with one swift motion sliced Jerry's pinky off.

He screamed in agony. "Oh look at that, blood," one of the men said. He felt lightheaded. He clenched his teeth together.

"Where are they?"

"Why don't you just kill me?! I'm not telling you shit, just get it over with!"

He heard a beep, it wasn't from his earpiece, rather it was RAY. The man with his knife loosened his grip on Jerry's hand and looked around in confusion. Now was his chance. He yanked his hand back. He had a free hand. He punched the man restraining his arm in the face, and before the other men could try and hold him down, he ran over to Ash and grabbed her Snub pistol. "Don't you fucking move!"

The man that was restraining his arm drew his pistol and without hesitation, Jerry shot the bastard dead.

The man with his knife charged at him screaming like the animal he was. Jerry whacked the man in the face with his pistol. He then grabbed the man's hand and twisted it until he let go of the knife. Then he shot him in the leg. He grabbed the knife off the ground and he went over to one of the men who was trying to get the boltok revolver from his dead comrade and he stabbed the man in the stomach. Another man, the one that knocked Ash out charged at Jerry but he tackled the man and slit his throat on the ground. The only remaining man was the one that cut his pinky off. The man trembled in fear. "Wanna party? Here's your invitation!" He went over to the man who was on the ground, trying to get up and walk despite the pain of the bullet wound.

He grabbed the man's wrist and with one swift motion, chopped his pinky off. The man screamed in pain

"Who's crying for Mercy now bitch!" He then jammed the blade into the side of his neck twice, killing him. He yanked the blade out

RAY beeped. "RAY, thanks. You may not have done much...well you did I mean you saved my life buddy but goddamn, thank you. Your presence saved me," Jerry smiled "I wonder if Vance can give you a few upgrades because man oh man. Thanks!"

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