Act 2 Chapter 1: Ramond

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SJPD, Three months after the Hammer Strikes, 16th day of Bounty, 9:00

"Dude, that stock is gonna fly off if you don't tighten those screws" I looked over to Vance who was wearing a grease-covered welding helmet. "I don't wanna make them too tight," I said, "what if I want to replace the stock, huh?"
"You won't need to, if I put this thing on a Longshot it'd absorb the recoil so much that it'd feel like you were shooting an MX8 Snub"

"Are you serious?"

"Nope!" He started laughing "Alright I've had my fun, let's tighten these screws" He pulled a screwdriver out of his very unorganized toolbox and handed it to me. "I already have a screwdriver, Vance"

"I know, you're gonna strip the screw with the one you were using"

"Jeez, Vance, why didn't you tell me?"

"Eh, I thought you'd know"

"Dude, I'm a Gear, not a carpenter."

The intercom beeped

"Would Ethan Androsan please report to my office? You have 5 minutes" It was General Ramond Valoro, the commander of the South Jacinto Police Department.

"When did he make you a VIP member to his club?" Vance said I shrugged

and looked at my watch. I had 4 minutes to get to the General's office. "Sorry Vance, I gotta go, I'll catch ya later"



The Jacinto Police Department was surprisingly bigger than the Kinnerlake Sector Control. You'd think the hallways would be like a giant maze, like the Sector control, but they were very easy to navigate through.

When I got to his office I opened the door and I saw the General sitting at his desk with his hands folded together. "General," I saluted him. "Take a seat, Androsan" He said as he reached under his desk. I sat down in the chair he offered me. He set a green bottle on the desk along with two drinking glasses. "No thanks, I don't drink," I said as he continued pouring me a drink. He pushed the cup closer to me "It's apple cider" he said

"Oh, sorry"

"It's okay, I don't drink much either, Sargent" I took a sip of apple cider "So, what do you need, General?"

"There's a Raven coming to the station" he took a sip of apple cider


"The Raven is going to bring in some new recruits"


"It is your job to assist me in training them"

"Um, I'm not fit to do that, sir"

"I know, but neither is Dimitri, Burnes, and Harrison"

"Is it because two of 'em have prison backgrounds?"

"Yes, that is partially one of the reasons. And Dimitri's out on a fuel mission with Harrison"

"So, why me, sir?"

"Your squad looks up to you, Ethan, and I know it, you guys are like a family"

"That's where the term 'brothers-in-arms' comes from, sir"
"You're fit for the job, Androsan. The recruits will be here in an hour"

"General, with all due respect, I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna get them killed "this fucking scar on my face is a reminder that I failed."

"As much as you blame yourself for Eddica's death, it wasn't your fault"

"But it still could've been prevented. Along with all of the shit we've dealt with for the past few months. I could've gotten court marshaled for going on those stupid ass rogue revenge missions with Dom, Amie, and Alina!"

"Indeed you could've, but I never told Prescott or anyone else about your missions"

"Yes, and I thank you for that"

"Thank you for your time Sargent, you are dismissed. I'll meet you out there when the recruits arrive"

"But sir, I politely declined"

"I still want you out there, Sargent. I'll meet you out there"


10:25, SJPD Courtyard

The noise of a King Raven helicopter's propellers spinning around has always been a soothing sound for me. There was just something about the sound that made you feel calm. The pilots may have been batshit crazy but that didn't matter at all. "I wonder how many trainees you gotta babysit," Monica said

"I'm not babysitting them, Monica," I replied. Me, her, and the General were standing side-by-side in the courtyard watching the King Raven which was dropping the recruits off, land. When it touched the ground, 12 people wearing COG armor climbed out of the helicopter. One of them approached Ramond and said "Are you the General?"


The recruit saluted him, "My name is James Swanson." I heard a familiar voice call out my name. It was a man in a full set of Cadet armor. He was holding a Longshot Sniper Rifle and was wearing a pair of blue goggles. "Isaac, is that you man?" I said as the man ran over to me.

"What's up buddy? Have you been getting better at shooting that rifle?"

"Hell yeah I have-" another man called out to me "Hey Androsan!" I looked behind Isaac and I saw a Gear that was wearing a helmet and some custom armor. "Danny, how are you doing, you sonofabitch!" I gave him a high-5

"I'm doing great, Androsan. Do you think you can handle all these trainees alone"

"He isn't handling them alone," Monica said to Danny.

"Well, we better get inside and get situated," Isaac said

"It was fun talking to you guys," I said.

I turned to the trainees who were in a line and said "I am General Ramond Valoro '' I noticed Monica had left while the General was talking to the recruits. "And this here is Sergeant Ethan Androsan'' I gave a little wave to the recruits. "Together, we'll show you the ropes. Now Ethan, tell us the golden rule of the Gears''

"Take cover or die," I said

"And do you have any more advice to give to these recruits?"

I thought about it for a second. "One of the most important things you should know is that your rifle is like your brothers-in-arms. you'll rely on your rifle just like your brothers-in-arms. Try your best not to lose it. Oh, and make sure to maintain it, cause if you care for it, it'll care for you"


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