Act:2 Chapter 2: What Remains

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11:23, Near Kinnerlake highway

The world has been a lot different since the Hammer of Dawn strikes. Those who failed to get to Jacinto were burned alive by the orbital lasers. Those who weren't obliterated by the Hammer of Dawn started setting up camps across Sera. they'd call themselves "The Stranded". Most of them were thieves, preying on whatever they could get their dirt-covered hands on. There were rumors that crashed vehicles were scrapped of all parts and injured COG soldiers had their weapons and armor taken away.

The Stranded were a prime example of the worst coming out of people in dire situations.

"So, what happened here?" Amie looked up at Monica "Ethan told me that you guys were one of Prescott's mop-up crews"

"Yeah, we were"

Amie went back to staring at the destroyed highway. Monica frowned. She leaned toward Jerry and whispered, "She's not that much of a talker is she?"

"Oh she is, she's just going through a lot right now"

"Like what?"

"Grief. Her mother was killed"



"She also doesn't like talking to people she barely knows"

Monica pressed her earpiece. "Hey, Ash, how are you doing up there?"

"Good, still tryna work out the kinks. What are we even doing out here?" Ash asked

"We're trading some supplies with a stranded camp in Corren"

"What kind of supplies?"

"It's mostly ammo boxes, a few rifles and some seeds"

"What are they going to trade with us?"

"Fuel and medical supplies. Did you fall asleep during the briefing again Ashley?"



12:13, Corren, 100 feet away from the stranded camp

"we're gonna land here in a minute," Ash said. When they landed, Jerry immediately tried to lift one of the wooden crates that was full of supplies. He ultimately failed "Jerry, you are aware that we have a loader on this Raven, right?" Ash said

"Y...yeah, I forgot" he stepped out of the King Raven with Monica. "So how do you operate one of these?" Jerry said to Monica

"It's just like driving a Silverback, only this one doesn't have a minigun and a rocket launcher attached to it"

"Um, okay, I'll give it a try." Monica looked at Amie who was stepping out of the Raven. "Let's go meet our new friends, Assean." Monica started walking over to a street. It was sealed off by a makeshift gate of some kind. That wasn't here the last time Monica came to Corren. There was a big "Keep out" spray-painted on the wall. Amie called out.

A man in his late 40's and another man who was in his early 30's raised their rifles. Monica put her hands up "You COG assholes better get outta here" the younger man said. "We're here to trade with you guys" Amie said

"Trade? What are we trading?"

"Errr, supplies"

"Oh, I just remembered, We'll let you guys in in a second" he holstered his Hammerburst "Where are the supplies?" The ground started shaking for a second. Jerry came running down the street in the loader. "Why don't you ask him?" he set the crate down in front of the makeshift gate. "Here you go," Jerry said as dismounted the loader. One of the guards looked at Jerry's Mk. 2 Lancer Assault Rifle "Is that a chainsaw?"

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