Chapter Two

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Grian's arrow soared through the cold air, piercing the neck of the deep black ender dragon one last time. It let out a large roar before rising in the air, a bright light shining from its body like sunlight through a prism. Grian held up his hand to block it, a large smile on his face.

"Wow, look at that. Look at all of the XP! How much is that? Ahhh, brilliant. Ohhhh, look at all this XP!" He let out a sigh of relief as he walked around to collect it all. "Well I guess that's it," he said to himself. "I guess that's The End! Completed," his voice took on a air of uncertainty. "Thanks, world. It's been fun."

Grian stood on the bedrock, taking in a deep breath before falling into the void, yet nothing seemed to change. The air was still cool on his skin.

He blinked, opening his eyes again. A large sky of black surrounded him everywhere and he was sitting on a pale yellow ground- he was still in The End, except he seemed to have been teleported somewhere.

His eyebrows furrowed. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to have gone back to Evo. Grian pushed himself up, turning around before letting out a sharp gasp.

In front of him stood a huge castle made of a dark stone brick- something from a future update Evo hadn't experienced yet?- and reached up into the midnight sky like the tip of a gleaming sword. He could see separate islands surrounding the huge castle, ranging in sizes, some only able to hold a small house while others held villages.

There were people everywhere. People with wings. They all had the same purple ones. He could see children playing, grown-ups laughing, yet there was an odd lack of elderly. What was freaky was the fact they were all wearing masks. He did a three-sixty, turning fully around as he admired his surroundings.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Grian swirled around, his gaze stopping on a tall man with a scary smiling mask on like everyone else, except it had a different pattern. While the others were sharp and pointed downward at the edges, his was a simple circle, a child-like smile drawn across it. His oddly black wings- the only black wings he had seen so far- folded back behind him, the tips (which were fading into a green) almost reaching the ground.

"Where am I?" Grian asked instead of answering. "There may have been a server glitch and I got teleported here. If you can just find the Admin, I'm sure they can-"

"It's amazing what can happen when you simply Watch. Yet intervine, and, oh, it becomes something more."

Chills ran down Grian's back. He took a step backward, suddenly feeling fear. The Watchers. They- this couldn't be a Watcher, could it?

"Yes, I am a Watcher," he answered, tilting his head slightly to the side. Dirty blonde hair that was fluffy and straight fell a bit over the top of his mask. "We as a whole have been watching you, Grian, and you definitely have strengths. Why don't you join us?"

The Watcher stepped toward him. Cold panic ran through Grian, and he quickly scrambled back, accidentally tripping over and landing on his elbows backward.

The Watcher approached.

"You'd have power," he said, and a sudden scene appeared in front of Grian. It was Evo- his Town- burning down. He could hear screams and saw Taurtis running across the road, screaming Grian's name in fear.

Grian's breath fastened. "W-what- stop!"

"Much more power. You could destroy as well as create things, but best of all, watch every server you wanted to. You could even join servers, if you knew how to..."

"I don't want to intervene. I don't want to be a Watcher. What are you doing!"

"Hm. Too bad you don't have a choice, and too bad we'll have to get rid of your memory."

Grian logged back onto Hermitcraft, falling on the ground, gasping in fear.

What was that dream?!?!?

It had felt so real. The mentions of Evo- of Watchers- of Taurtis- he could feel his heart hammering in his ears, his breath building in his throat, getting caught.

Everyone had to log off the Hermitcraft server every now and then. It kept yourself from lagging and helped glitches. You could have odd dreams (or nightmares) while you were logged off, though, and it seemed that was what Grian had just expirienced.

A dream. It was just a dream. Oh, why did thinking "dream" make his fear so much worse? It was like his blood was running cold in fear.

Grian pushed himself off the dirt, trying to steady his thoughts. He took deep breaths in and out.

Okay, not a dream, but a nightmare. A really freaky vivid nightmare. He was back on Hermitcraft, safe, not with the- the Watchers-

Grian hadn't had wings in the nightmare. He had wings now. A purple, like the villagers in the nightmare-

This meant nothing. His brain had just managed to concur something like that up because he hadn't been getting enough sleep online.

Yes, sleeping reseted the time to day, so you may be wondering how "sleeping" would even help because it only lasted a few seconds. It was something to do with how often you slept. Everyone normally got a fair amount because everytime you sleep you have energy for around a whole month (something to do with settings). But since the Mooners hadn't been sleeping period, their energy was falling low.

It was confusing. Blame the system.

Anyway, now Grian could feel his fear, his overwhelming tiredness, and a huge sense of deja vu. All he wanted was rest.

He looked up. He was standing near the Boatem pole. Some chunks of dirt suddenly flew into the air, levitating for a few moments, before suddenly dropping. Something in Grian wanted to cry.

The earth gave a violent shake. Grian's wings flew out as he strained to keep his balance, and the dirty blonde gulped.

This wasn't normal.

It was fine.

Everything was fine.

It would all be fine.

His wings were normal.

The nightmare was nothing.

That man meant nothing.

It was fine.

Watchers weren't real.

Eheheheh... ehhhhehehehe..... EHEHEHEH...

Yes, Dream is indeed in this story. I was about to make it not happen, then I thought, 'this is my story' and did it.

If you don't watch Dream don't worry- it won't have any dreamsmp lore, so you can just pretend he's some evil watcher who happens to be named Dream. And happens to look like him. And happens to have psychopath tendencies.

But I'm fairly certain most everyone will have watched at least one video of his or seen a clip of lore.



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