a bad begining

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It has been three months since the queen has been in comma , merida knew there was no one to be blamed , yet her father was so mad he let his emotions take over as he forebade his daughter to ever ride a horse again as he was scared that his little girl might end up like her mother , merida was again atrapped bird like she used to be when she always faught with her mother but this time it was her aunt , she had a strict schedule that she needed to follow that was made by her aunt who made sure merida followed every single second of it , the princess struggled and was fighting back at first , arguing with her aunt who yelled back , it didn't take long for merida to go from the cheerful , free girl who lived everyday of her life like it was the last to a ghost , she barely spoke , each smile was forced , her face was always pale and every night she cried herself to sleep as she wished her mother would just come back on her feet , she prayed and begged every night , that's all she could do other than waiting . her aunt gave her a few hours every day to go to her mother where she was free to be alone with her , it also was the only time she could meet her little brothers who missed their sister dearly . they prayed for the queen and told her about their day , how grey it was and how sad they were , how dad was being overprotective of all of them , how strict their aunt was but she always promised her to stay strong , for the family and the kingdom .
That was her promise after three months of mental torture from her aunt , as for her father he was training daily longer than before as if he was in a denial state , merida didn't blame him after all they loved each other dearly , her death would crush him completely .

She was also dying from the inside but she hid it well so her brothers would believe and be hopeful .

One day after she finished her classes she excused herself to speak with her father who was training as always .

merida had a perfect plan to save her mother , she had to go meet the witch like years ago but it had to be in the middle of the night , yet she knew it wasn't the right time , she needed to get everything out of that tight grip her aunt had .

Her father had a small break as he saw merida walk up to him , her head was down , her skin was a pale one like she was a walking corpse he hadn't seen his girl for a while so his reaction was as bad as a father that met the ghost of his dead child .

Merida ! My little girl ! What happened to you !  Asked the king as he got up to his daughter who didn't move as she just bowed to her father , merida and her dad never cared about royalty rules that included bowing , good afternoon father  , we need to talk about the Princes  she said with a tired tone in her voice , what about them , are they hurt ?!  Asked Fergus now panicking ,
No worries father , they are ok ...  Said merida with the same tone as before , then wat Is it merida ?  Asked the father with a yet worried tone as he put his hand on her shoulder to reassure her that he will help .

Dad... Her voice cracked as tears rolled down her cheeks , her dad wipes them and says my girl ask for anything , I'll do it if it makes you happy  he promised  , dad  can my brothers go to live with our uncle for a while ? In Ireland ?  Asked the princess , why ask that ?  Asked her father , mom is still in a comma and I'm getting weaker by the day , I don't want them to have any traumatic memory of this part ouf our live , they did their part and looked after mom enough but they are kids dad , they don't  deserve- she stopped as she was now dizzy and felt like her legs couldn't carry her as she started falling and got caught by her father , MERIDA !!!  Said the king in shock , GUARDS GET THE NURSE !   He demanded as he carried his daughter to her bedroom , the nurses later came and told him that she was very sick and had a strong fever , that she will need to rest for a few days , the king nodded his head as he left the room , angry that  Agatha his sister in law , Agatha ran up the stairs as soon as she heard about merida , she knew how cunning and tricky merida was , that this was a trick , as she got to the princess's bedroom she saw the triplets at the door worried and trying to look in the room to see how their sister was doing .

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