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In Eva's room, the girls were still sleeping.

Even when the sun started shining through the windows.

Just then, a certain shadow came on the walls through the windows.


And he sighed with relief when he saw Gabi sleeping.

He also felt pride for her seeing her bonding with the other girls.

He decided to give Gabi a happy wake-up surprise.

He opened the window quietly and crawled inside the room.

He carefully tiptoed through the room.

When he finally got to Gabi, he carefully slid under one of her arms.

Not much later, Becky woke up first.

She took a minute to stretch and rub her eyes.

She then looked over...and saw a surprising sight.

A certain little kinkajou snuggled under Gabi's arm, waiting for her to wake up.

She quickly said with slight excitement, "Gabi. Gabi. Gabi, wake up!"

Gabi started to wake up.

And she felt something fuzzy under her arm.

She quickly grabbed her glasses with her other arm to get a good look.

She got that good look...and gasped with true delight!


She picked him up while he chittered with joy.


She quickly hugged him and he hugged her back.

"Vivo, I was so worried!"

Vivo responded, "I was worried, too."

As they kept hugging, Vivo remembered all those fun times he had since he met Gabi.

How when they first met, Gabi was already intent on keeping Vivo as a pet.

How they both screamed when she found him in her suitcase...for different reasons.

How they started to bond over making their own music.

How Vivo was welcomed into the family after he delivered Andrés' love song to Marta.

And how they started doing their own shows together in the Key West Plaza.

Andrés may be gone, but now, Vivo had Gabi.

And Gabi loves Vivo just as much as Andrés did.

The same love Vivo was more than happy to return.

Not much later, Gabi and Vivo said goodbye to the girls and started on their way home.

As they did, Vivo saw his new friends hiding in the bushes, waving goodbye.

And yes...Vivo was finally more than willing to call them his friends.

They had proven that he could trust them whenever he needed help.

One of the most important qualities a friend needs.


Since that day, there have been a changes in Vivo and Gabi's social lives.

Gabi started accepting more invites from the girls to do fun things.

Of course, she always brought Vivo along.

Although, sometimes when they went to places that didn't allow pets, Vivo would just meet up with at least one of his new friends.

And the more they hung out, the closer they all got.


When it came to Vivo and Stella, they got a little...closer.


It was another night in Key West.

Gabi and Vivo got ready for bed as usual.

However, there was one small change.

When Gabi fell asleep, Vivo put some things in his bed to make it look like he was still in bed.

He then prepped himself and went out the window.


He met his new friends at the Scarlet Macaw.

He was happy to see Charlotte, Tiago, Roxie, Novella, and Vincent.

He also saw Dancarino and Valentina.

But the one Vivo was happy to see the most was Stella.

Not much later, Tiago started some dance music.

Everyone had fun dancing to the beat.

Vivo and Stella, once again, danced together.


*Record Scratch*

Tiago suddenly stopped the dance music...

And started playing a romantic salsa song.

Luis Fonsi's 'Despacito'.

Everyone gave the kinkajou and cacomistle plenty of room.

They looked around with a bit of confusion.

Then looked at each other...then smiled.

Vivo held out his paw to her.

Stella put her paw into his.

Vivo took her paw...and gently kissed it.

Stella blushed.

Both then started dancing together in a salsa.

Everyone just admired how cute a couple they made...and not just a dance couple.

When the dance ended, everyone cheered.

Stella then realized there was something about Key West that Vivo should know about.

She said to him, "Vivo, I wanna show you something."

Vivo asked, "Show me what?"

Stella responded, "Let me put it this way: You're actually a lot closer to Cuba than you realize."

She then went out of the bar with a slightly confused kinkajou following.

Vivo: Special: Nueva Casa...Nueva AventuraWhere stories live. Discover now