You & I

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Y/N and Sun-Rise were then left alone . . .

(Now things may get a little spicy, Like love wise no smut yet, Sorry)

"So, Uh..-" Y/N started while looking down, Holding her arm with her hand. "What now?" Y/N asked as she looked up at Sun-Rise, But he wasn't paying attention to what she asked, He was mesmerized - Staring into Y/N's beautiful E/C eyes as soon as she looked up. "Hey, HEY! Earth to Sunny-Boy!" Y/N kind of shouted while snapping.

"Wh-What? Oh hah, Yeah uh . . . We can do some art! Or, Crafts - Or play hide and seek!" Sun-Rise exclaimed. "Hmmm, Some art sounds fun, I like drawing!" Y/N also exclaimed matching Sun-Rise's energy, She also put on a security hat she found out of nowhere because it tops everything off, Then Y/N started drawing. Sun-Rise didn't know what to draw so he thought for a while, Y/N was drawing a nice scenery.

Then suddenly Sun-Rise thought he'd draw Y/N, So he did.

After a while of drawing Sunrise finished his drawing.

(The grey is just colors, But I have no idea what y'all's Y/N looks like so just imagine the grey is their colors, And Stuff - Pretty sure you understand)

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(The grey is just colors, But I have no idea what y'all's Y/N looks like so just imagine the grey is their colors, And Stuff - Pretty sure you understand)

Sun-Rise then looked up to see Y/N like an inch away from his face staring into the, 'Soul', Of his drawing. "U-Uh ahem, You're very close there-" Sun-Rise muttered, Y/N looked at him, Cocking/raising one of her eyebrows: "What? It's not like you don't do this a lot, It's like personal space is strictly prohibited from your programming!" Y/N squeaked. Sun-Rise (Because Logic) Just blushed, He probably looked away but he has no pupils . . . So-

"S-So?!" Sun-Rise said in a high voice, It sounded like it cracked! Y/N let out a little giggle before backing up: "Nice drawing by the way!" She said with a warm smile. "Oh - Heh, Uh thank you!" Sun-Rise said happily, Y/N thought it was cute. Sun-Rise got a very odd feeling, But brushed it off - Though he felt warm and fuzzy, And very . . . Hot..

Y/N then said: "That actually looks very accurate, We should hang it up!" "Great idea love!" Sun-Rise said. Silence filled the room as it did once before, Sun-Rise realized what he said . . . "I-I didn't m..mean that in a-a a . . . A we-" Suddenly he was cut off by Y/N leaning in very . . . closely - "Shhh, It's fine~" She whispered to him, It was like she wasn't in control of her own body.

Because suddenly she kissed him on the cheek . . .

(Now like most of these stories you read, He is sort of humanoid-ish like, a kind of flexible metal so he can actually make facial expressions and like change his face - I guess you could put it like that . . . Yeah - But he is an animatronic! But he also has A LOT of human features, Like in the game with his personality, And communication skills, And childishness, Excetera/Etcetera/ETC, However you put it. And also parts, Human 'parts' - For story reasons, BUT NOT SOME SLIMY TENTACLE, It will be different, Anyway back to the story, Sorry.) 

Sun-Rise blushed madly, With a very confused and drunken smile on his face: "H-Huh, Wh-What? Wait - What was that for..?-" He asked in confusion, "I-I wasn't thinking I apologize.." Y/N said, "No, No, I'm not mad, Just . . . Why?" Sun-Rise asked, His goofy drunk confused smile was gone. "I don't know, I guess my body felt like it was the right time? I mean, You did call me - 'Love' Correct?" Y/N said with a slight non-guilty smirk on her face. "You aren't wrong on that one - Mmm, Fine I guess I'll just accept the fact you love me!~" Sun-Rise said teasingly, "Hey, I never said I love you! But I also never said I hate you."

Y/N didn't know but all of a sudden her alarm went off, It was time for her nightly rounds so she can then go home: "Oh my Sunny-Boy, I have to go do my daily rounds and head home!" Y/N said sadly, "Oh, Okay Sun-Fire, I'll see you tomorrow!" Sun-Rise got up and hugged Y/N, Y/N hugged him back and they said their last, 'goodbyes' As Y/N left to do her nightly rounds so she can leave.

A/N: Alright, Alright sorry for the late chapters my combined ADHD lookin' ass over here got distracted WAY too much, But uh yeah 🥲 Sorry if this chapter was short but uhm . . . I'll add a new chapter tomorrow with Y/N doing her round of course! And uh, Yeah I guess that's it for today - Thanks for reading Z-Squad! :'3

Word count: 830

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