Stay Back! Uh Oh . . . [Very Sad - Angst - Violence -Death]

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I just want to warn those who have been attached to the blind beauty, It's about to go south.

"Come on Kobyashi, We will bring you to safety." Both Y/N and Sun-Rise said in unison

Kobyashi followed the voices he heard, And then he was picked up by Sun-Rise. Y/N led Sun-Rise out the door, Bringing him the opposite way of where Vanny was. Y/N found another exit and hoped that this was the end, She was . .

"WRONG!" A voice screeched as a Bunny / Human figure came leaping down from above, Right in front of the exit and Y/N, Making themselves sandwiched between them. "Hello!~" Vanny said with her usual sinister smile. At this moment Y/N felt herself gain courage as she snapped.

"BACK OFF, BITCH!" Y/N said without missing a beat and then slapped Vanny. That was the last straw for Vanny, She struck Y/N back which caused them to go at it with each other, Sun-Rise held Kobyashi close and protected him in his grasp.

Y/N was punching Vanny as Vanny grabbed a knife and stabbed Y/N's hand, Y/N let out a whimper but quickly thought and grabbed the knife with her okay hand. She stabbed Vanny, But Vanny has had enough.

"Say good-bye to your precious Kobyashi~" Vanny muttered, Before Y/N could render anything Kobyashi exploded, His top half and bottom half separated and his spine flung into a clusterfuck of wires, It seemed as if it was one of them.

Kobyashi's intestines flew all over Vanny, Sun-Rise, And Y/N. "AAAAAH!!" Sun-Rise screamed as Y/N nearly fainted, Vanny was now gone. "Wh-What j-j...just h-h-h-happened..d?" Y/N muttered, She was stuttering and could barely even say that one sentence. "K-Kobyashi . . . Exploded?" Sun-Rise said, Rather calmly.

"And yo-you're ca-cal-..m?" Y/N asked, Sadly: "No, I'm just so scared and delusional that I seem chill, I'm not I am petrified." Sun-Rise said with a plain expression. "I was too late, IT'S MY FAULT FOR DOING WHAT I DID!" Y/N scream as she fell to the floor in tears, Holding what remained of Kobyashi's torso.

"You are broken, I can fix you.." Y/N muttered as if she was insane. "What..?" Sun-Rise asked Y/N. She was so upset and mentally damaged that she had went practically insane in a matter of seconds!

"I C̴̗͎̻͖̙͎̻͈̪͓̘͔͇̲̪͍̤̙̯̠̻͍̗͛͒̀̂̒̊̏͗̈́̎͌̄͂͂̐͆̅̑̊̀̐̿̇̉̈̕̚̕͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͠ͅä̶̢̢̧̡̛̛̤̤̩̱̞̰̜̳̱͍̼̤̖͔̤̞͕̪̳̲̼̯́͌́̊͒͐̉ͅͅn̸̢̨̨̧̢̨̛͔̝̗͍̜̬͔̭̪̘̪̲̠̳̙̰̥̟̆̾́̈̐̈͐̂͐͂̋̀̾̑͒̏̍̅͑̈̒̎̋͌̈́̈́̾͋͂̕͘͘̚͜͜͠͠͝͠'̷̺̂̒̂͌̔͒̚͘ṫ̸̖̲̦̜͎̞̤͇̭̯͉̖̱̳̬̼̝̱͎̪ Can fix you.." Y/N muttered to herself: "We should go find a room where we can fix this!" Sun-Rise suggested.

A/N: Yes this is short but I have two more chapter ideas, DO NOT WORRY THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE LONGER, AND THE FINALLY WILL (Hopfully) BE THE LONGEST!! Also I had an audition today and Connor Weil was there, It was a zoom but still - Thanks for reading Z-Squad!

Word Count: 461 😮‍💨

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