Wait . . . Vanny?! [Here Comes The Twist - Self Harm & Alcohol]

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Y/N and Sun-Rise arrived at the parts and service room . . . 

Here's a little hint to today's chapter: 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 00100000 01011001 00101111 01001110 00101100 00100000 01001001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100011 01101000 01101111 01101001 01100011 01100101 00101110

Warning: Violence, Alcohol, And Self-Harm

"F-F-Finally-y-y, I-I can get f-f-f-fix-x-xed-ed" Sun-Rise said all broken like. Wow, That glitter glue really fucked him up.. "Yeah, Go inside that weird ass looking safety tube thing, And sit on the chair." Y/N replied. "H-H-H-Hey No-o S-Sw-Swearin-g-ing!" Sun-Rise replied - Still a broken mess. "Alright, Just get in!" Y/N said angrily. Sun-Rise did as she asked, So Y/N then looked at the monitor, She was confused but figured out how to use it.


She clicked the repair button, Thus setting the tube thing into repair mode. Y/N then went inside the tube with Sun-Rise, It was what she was supposed to do but it was a mistake, You'll see why in a little. Y/N opened Sun-Rise's chest cavity - She then slowly replaced all the necessary parts and finished up the whole ordeal.


The lights went out, But Y/N felt like it was different this time: "AAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Sun-Rise let out a horrid scream, He broke the cuffs that attached him to the table. He was then Moon-Drop, This time his eyes were red, I heard a voice behind me: "Get her.." It said. Y/N turned around quickly to see a bunny costume that seemed as if someone was in it.

"Naughty girl . . . N-N-N . . ." Moon-Drop tried to let out a sentence, When suddenly he went berserk, Now his eyes were a glowing red. "AAAAH!!!" Y/N heard crunching and clanking of bolts and cogwheels. Suddenly Moon-Drops chest cavity opened and screws fell out, And a black ooze. His head cocked/turned to the right as he lifted his arms up and tried to snatch Y/N, But luckily she dodged it. So instead of Moon-Drop catching Y/N he broke the glass of the protective cylinder.

Y/N then ran out the cylinder, And past Vanny. She then heard Vanny and Moon-Drop running after her - She couldn't hear human foot steps so she assumed it was like Moon-Drop was a horse and Vanny was riding him (Pun not intended). Y/N kept running, Hoping that this hell would end.


And it won't. As Y/N was chased she fell to the ground, She tried to get up but something got her leg, She was dragged - A dagger was put to her throat: "The other attendant met the same fate, Now just don't mention the missing kids and we'll be fine.." (Remember this line, You'll need it) "O-Okay, I promise I won't!" Her throat was then slit. Suddenly Y/N blacked out and woke up staring into the computer for the repair machine.

"H-H-Hey, A-Are you-u goin-g-ng to-o f-f-f-fix m-me?" Y/N heard a faint voice, It was Sun-Rise of course. "O-Oh yeah, Yeah I am!" Y/N wasn't sure if she spaced out and imagined that or not, But . . . She swears it was real, She felt her neck and it hurt a little, She saw her reflection in the screen of the machines computer, There was a red scar - Once Y/N blinked it wasn't there anymore.

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