Hyper, Energetic? My Type Of . . . Animatronic?

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Today you were excited, You just quit your job for a new one at Freddy Fazbears Pizza-Plex, It payed well too. Though you were going to work in a daycare because you were always so energetic but you couldn't deal with SCREAMING . . . It hurt your ears, It was a piercing sound. But at this point you didn't care because kids are fun, Annoying - But fun! So of course Y/N nailed the interview because she was bomb like that, Now they mentioned something about an animatronic, Y/N thought it was odd but brushed it off as she got ready for work, Her boss Dave (Everyone calls him Dave so 🥲) Would be there waiting for her to show her around and to the daycare, Once Y/N got ready she ran out the door and hopped into her car. She drove to the Pizza-Plex and when she got there she was mesmerized, It was . . . Dare I say huge damn all of your minds. She walked in, To then be immediately greeted by her boss, "Dave!" Y/N said with a smile, He was a nice. But not as nice as the Sunny-Sun-Man she was about to meet, "Hey Y/N, Ready for your tour and first day meeting Sun-Rise?" He asked Y/N with a smile. "Of course!" Y/N said enthusiastically.

(I don't think this story is going to be safe for people with Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia/Sesquipedalophobia) 

Y/N and Dave walked around, He showed her everything she needed to see and told her everything she needed to know, He even showed her hiding places and secrets, They then went to the daycare, Dave told Y/N "The friendly Sun-Rise will tell you what you need to know about the daycare, And show you hiding spots so kids don't hide and or get stuck - Or so you can hide during a friendly game of hide and seek." He then unlocked the doors from the outside to get in, Sun-Rise was sitting on the floor with a child, He heard the door open and then he turned around and saw Y/N & Dave, He got excited.

Sun-Rise jumped up and ran towards Y/N and picked her up spinning her around and then hugging her. "NEW FRIEND!!! A new unnoticeable face, One I haven't seen, I can't wait to get to know you!" The excited animatronic said enthusiastically as Y/N hugged him back, "Sun-Rise, This is Y/N, Y/N, This is Sun-Rise, The person you will work with and look after!" Dave said, Chuckling. "O-Oh he seems very enthusiastic and happy, He has a lot of energy like I do!" Both Y/N and Sun-Rise are outgoing people. "Well hello, Y/N - You look very pretty!" Sun-Rise smiled (Let's say because logic he has everything a human has, When when I say, 'Everything' I mean, EVERYTHING - Including human capabilities) Y/N smiled back, "Nice to meet you!" Sun-Rise put Y/N down, "Now there is one rule, Keep the lights on, On . . . ON!"

Y/N nodded, She was confused but just thought he was scared of the dark or something, "Now be careful, He always wants to play and is very childish - He also has fragile feelings." Dave whispered to Y/N before leaving and closing the door, Locking it again. "Come on, Y/N I want to introduce you to the children!" Sun-Rise said happily, He then dragged Y/N over to where the children were playing, Doing arts and crafts, And other normal kid stuff (But hey, What is normal exactly?) He then shouted, "EVERYONE, WE HAVE A NEW ATTENDANTS ASSISTANT!!" All the kids cheered and looked over at Sun-Rise and Y/N, "New? Hmm, I wonder if there was one before me, If so - What happened?" Y/N thought before saying, "Hello, Hello, My name is Y/N and I can't wait to work with all of you!" Y/N was happy, All the kids cheered, Soon after Sun-Rise had them all introduce themselves, There was one kid in particular that was blind, That caught Y/N's eye (Pun not intended) His name was Kobyashi, He was a nice kid.

"Hey uh, How do you and that kid play and do activities? Like uh . . . Play tag or something?" Y/N whispered to Sun-Rise, "Oh, What do you think the bells I have on are for?" He whispered back, Very happily, Soon after Y/N and Sun-Rise were talking while the kids played, Suddenly they both heard two kids yelling and screaming - They were fighting, Y/N and Sun-Rise got up to tell the kids to stop but of course they wouldn't listen so then Y/N and Sun-Rise picked them up, One of the kids were squirming around in Sun-Rise's arms as he tried to calm the kid down, And the other slapped Y/N across the face! "Ow, Hey that wasn't nice!" Sun-Rise finally calmed the other kid down, And then put her down, He then said to the other kid: "I'm putting you in time out, Mister!" He grabbed the kid from Y/N and walked to a corner to then scold him and put him in time out, Y/N doesn't know why but the way Sun-Rise said that . . . Made her . . . FLUSTERED?! Y/N felt as if she was burning up, Well - Her cheeks were burning up. (Don't you even dare.)

Y/N covered her face a little, Sun-Rise then ran past her yelling and stuttering: "H-HEY, K-KOBYASHI OVER HERE GET OUT FROM BEHIND THE DESK YOU'RE GOING TO GET US IN T-TROUBLE!!!" He was shaking his wrist bells like crazy while running over to him, But it was too late . . .

A/N: Hah, Cliff hanger! Also I'm very proud of this and I can't wait to add more, Thanks for reading Z-Squad!

Word Count: 966

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