Chapter 1

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Flashback (when you, Tsumugu, and Kaname were 9 years old.)

Tsumugu's POV (will change to your POV in Present time!!)

I finally moved in with my grandpa. Near the ocean, where I could see the clear sea, and I could smell the salty water! Right now, I am just going on to the beach to relax on my own. I really don't have any friends around this place, but all I need is the sea, right now.

I sat down on the ground and watched the waves dance around. Grandpa told me stories about the creatures underwater, and there is a town just like here. 

"Tsumugu! What are you doing on the coast, all on your own?" I heard grandpa yell out. 

"Nothing! I'm just having lunch over here!" I yelled back. I was about to pick up my sandwich but, it was not on my plate. Then, I look at the side and saw someone running away with MY sandwich. 

"Hey! Excuse me! That's mine!" I yelled while chasing that person.  Finally, I cornered them. That is when I realized she was a girl, who had wolf ears and a tail. Woah! She is a amocromyth. She wore some type of leaf skirt and a dirty leopard top.

 She looked down and held the sandwich in front of my face while shivering

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 She looked down and held the sandwich in front of my face while shivering.

"What are you?" I asked her. She didn't respond, all I heard was her tummy growling. I pulled her down to make her sit down on the ground with me. I saw some bruises on her legs. 

"What happened to you?" I asked her. This time, she responded to me. 

"Humans. I take food, they hurt me. I hungry," she says in incomplete sentences. 

"Have my sandwich, you probably need it more than I do," I said, pushing the sandwich to her. She shot me a big smile and started to eat the sandwich. I laughed at the way she ate. 

"I'm Tsumugu Kihara. Since you are my first friend here, I want you to call me Tsumugu!" I say, letting my hand out. 

"Tsumu? Friend?" She asks, tilting her head.

"Or Tsumu, I guess. What's your name?" I asked her. This time, she turned to me and looked up at me. 

"Kaishu!" She says, finishing her sandwich. "Come!"

She started to drag me, and we went over a rock pool, into a bush, and finally reach a forest. It smelled fresh, and it was very beautiful. 

"Home!" She says. 

"This is where you live? What do you do when it rain?" I ask her. 

"Banana leaf house," She pointed at a leaf tent. 

"Don't you feel cold?" I ask her. 

"Banana leaf blanket," she said. I started to laugh. 

"How about we hang out every day and I will teach you how to speak properly. It's funny when you talk like that," I say, putting my hands around my neck.

"Okay! More food?" she asks me. 

"Definetly! Ask me instead of taking them, k?" I asked her. 

"Okay! Friend!" She says, also putting her hand around my neck. I smiled really hard. We talked more and I learned that all of the animals from this area were dead, except for the tiny little ones. We talked and played games until it started getting dark. 

"I probably have to go. My grandpa will probably be worried," I said. 

"Grandpa?" she asks me. 

"The person who takes care of me, I will come tomorrow when the sun is out!" I say, smiling at her. 

"Promise?" she asks, and I nod at her. I ran out of the forest and went to my grandpa. 

"Where have you been?" He asks me. 

"I've made a new friend," I said, smiling. 

"I haven't seen you smile in a while," grandpa says, ruffling my hair. 

3rd person POV for like 2 minutes 

Kaishu went near to the ocean to drink some water. When she put her face in the water, she accidently fell in. To her surprise, she was able to breathe just fine, so she went exploring deep down until she found another town. 

She heard a boy laugh, she got scared and hid behind a rock. 

Kaname's POV

Hikari, Manaka, and Chisaki made their way home until and heard a crack behind one of the rocks. I want to see what it was and I saw a girl with two wolf ears and a tail behind her. This is my first time seeing an amocromyth!

"Are you from the surface? How can you breathe underwater? Wait, never mind...are you an amocromyth?" I ask, coming close to her. She starts to back away. "Gomen, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to know about know, and become friends."

"Friends?" She asks, looking at me. 

"Yeah, I'm Kaname Isaki. Call me Kaname," I said, smiling at her. 

"Kaishu!" she says, shaking my hand. 

"That must be your name. How sweet!" I say, shaking her hands even faster. 

"Are there more of you?" I ask her. 

"Don't think so," I said, shrugging. "Wolf pack....dead."

"Oh, gomen...when?" I ask her.

"2 years ago," she replied. Then, I started to tell her about my family and the town.

"Town sounds nice," she says. 

"It's beautiful. My mama told me it was way better than the surface people's," I told her. 

"Up, not bad," she says. She started to tell about the surface until my papa called me. 

"I got to go. Meet here tomorrow too! I promise not to tell anyone about you. K? Sayonara, Kaishu!" I said, swimming away. 

"Tomorrow!" she says, waving back. 

(You would spend time with them every day. You were able to speak properly, thanks to both of their help, and you learned the ways of a normal human being. Even though you learned so much and had a lot of friends. You always got jealous, since other humans were related to them and they make them feel happy. It's not like you want them for yourself, you just wanted friends that are creatures like you that can understand you. After two years, you decided to travel around to find creatures like yourself. Kaname and Tsumugu were not excited about this because they didn't want to leave you and they are still worried. But, they did support you!

(Next chapter will be the present) When Tsumugu and Kaname are 14

"I love you both! K?!" | Kaname x Reader x Tsumugu|OCWhere stories live. Discover now