Chapter 4

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"I don't mind!" I said, taking the outfit and skipping to the nearest room. So, do you wear this? I unwrapped my leopard print top and started to think that the pant is for my top and the shirt is for my legs.

I started to put the pants on my hands.

"Um...Ojii-san bought you some bras and some underwear," Tsumugu says, opening the door and not daring to look at me.

"Eurgh! One second. These pants won't fit around my body," I said, trying really hard. Tsumugu looked at me and started to laugh.

"Cause pants don't go on your body," he says, laughing really hard. "Also, do you want the towel inside your clothes?"

"Um, I'll take it out after I am done changing, which will probably take a while," I said.

"Let me help you," He says, coming to me. "First, you put your inner clothes on. Do you want to wear your bra or your underwear first?"

"This is really awkward and embarrassing, Gomen," I said, looking away and blushing.

"I don't mind, besides your new to this," he says, smiling at me and blushing as well. Tsumugu is a great friend. Who knows what I will do without him and Kaname.

"I guess we can do the bra first," I said, looking away.

"Okay," He said. In addition to helping me put on my bra, he showed me how to do it by myself. Then, he told me how to put my underwear on. He held it open, and I put my two legs in and pulled it up myself. I did the same with the pants, and lastly, I wore the t-shirt. The t-shirt was probably the trickiest part, it has too many holes, but Tsumugu helped me put it on.

"Arigato...not only for this but for everything. I know it sounds cringy but it is true. You and Kana are the best!" I said, hugging him. 

"Ah yes...of course, also...Kaname," he says, frowning. 

"Is something wrong with him," I asked, sitting down. 

"Well, no...I mean yes...I mean...I don't know. I expected me to be your only childhood best friend, so it got me by surprise. I just don't want you leaving me for someone else," he says, looking down. I put on my pouty face and slapped him across the face. 

"And who said I was going to leave you...and Kana! You guys are precious to me!" I yelled. "I will promise you that I will never leave you or Kana." 

Tsumugu smiled, and we went to the kitchen. I watched him make dinner, and I learned a lot! After a while, we called Ojii-san for dinner, and we ate. Ojii-san did ask some questions about my life in the jungle. Many memories hit me as I told him how it was an amazing place. 

Soon, we were done and we washed our dishes. 

"Okay, it's time to sleep!" Tsumugu says. 

"I don't feel sleepy," I said. 

"How come?" Ojii-san asks. 

"Well, as a wolf amocromyth, I don't sleep every day like you guys. I sleep after every 48 hours," I said. 

"Oh, wow! Well, Tsumugu always has this toy he hugs and sleeps, and I may have accidently destroyed it. He would like someone to cuddle, right Tsumugu?" Ojii-san says, smirking at Tsumugu. "Tsumugu has a habit of hugging things while sleeping."

"Ojii-san! Seriously?!" He says, blushing with embarrassment. 

"I don't mind," I said, blushing and smiling at the same time. 

"I guess...if you fine with it," Tsumugu says, frowning at his Ojii-san. I went into a room with Tsumugu and puts down something he called a futon. He laid down and put the blanket on top. I did exactly what he did and laid don't the same Futon as him. Dang! This thing is so, warm and cozy. I feel like I am going to fall asleep myself.

Tsumugu started to yawn and got comfortable.

"Good night!" He says. 

"Night!" I said. I turned to the left and Tsumugu turned the same way. He wraps his hand around me and pulls me closer to him.  I could feel his breath on my neck. I feel so...cozy...cuddled...warm, I haven't felt this in years. I might as my eyes.

Next morning

My eyes slowly opened and above me, I saw Kaname above me. He was smiling but I knew he wasn't happy about something. He looks pretty angry.

"Rise and shine!" He says. 

"Morning," I said, yawning. "You look angry?"

"Do I? Well, I am not!" He says. 

"You sure," I said, getting out of the futon. As I got out, Tsumugu held on to my leg. I smiled and laughed at how cute he can be.

"I'm sure. You and Tsumugu must have had a great time together, huh?" Kaname says. 

"Yeah! Since today I will be with you today, I will tell you what we did," I said eagerly.

"I will be glad!" He says. "Nice outfit. 

"Arigato, Tsumu told me how to wear it. Well, he demonstrated," I said.

"How did he demonstrate?" He asks. 

"Well, I basically changed her and told her how to do it on the way. She had a towel on her, so I didn't see her body," Tsumugu says, yawning. 

"Morning!" I said.

"I thought you said you wouldn't sleep last night," Tsumugu asks. 

"Well, it was so comfortable and warm, I couldn't help myself," I said, shrugging. "Anyways, what brings you here."

"Thought we could hang out. I would have brought the other 3 but Manaka is sick, so Hikari is taking care of her, and Chisaki went to her grandparents' house."

"I mean, it would be fun! You two and I hanging out today! Maybe you could show me around town?" I asked. 

"Of course, I know this place pretty well," Tsumugu says. 

"Later, I could show you around Shioshishio," Kaname says. 

"Can Tsumu come?" I asked. 

"I would love for him to come, but he can't breathe underwater," Kaname says, smirking at Tsumugu. 

"That shouldn't be any big deal. My ena is different so I can take some off and give it to him. Besides, my ena cells reproduce really quickly. Haven't you always wanted to see Shioshishi?" I said. Tsumugu's eyes widened, and he smiled. 

"If it doesn't hurt you, then I would love to," he says, smirking at Kaname. What in the world are they signaling to each other. 

"Is everything good?" I asked, looking at both of them. 

"Everything is alright," the two say at the same time. I went into the bathroom first, took a bath, and brushed my teeth. Tsumugu left some extra clothes for me (well his cousins). Then, Tsumugu went into the bathroom.

"Shoot, I forgot how to wear...clothes. Can you help me?" I asked Kaname and he smiled at me.

"I love you both! K?!" | Kaname x Reader x Tsumugu|OCWhere stories live. Discover now