Chapter 2

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Scene: (Episode 3 when Tsumugu made the small pond thing for Manaka, Kaname, Chisaki, and Hikari)

It was finally my time to meet Tsumugu and Kaname. I want to show them how much I have learned about the human world. I swam really fast in the ocean and finally ended on the beach at Oshiooshi.

Going to a different place was probably not a great idea. People disrespected me, and one person even kept me as a pet. He acted like I was some dog! I did not enjoy that. Since they were rich it was really hard to run away from them. 

I promised Tsugumu and Kaname that I would be safe and be back with a smile. That is what I am going to show them, a happy Kaishu! 

When I let my Ena go away with the water, I heard someone laughing really sounded like...Tsumugu, but deeper. His voice probably got deeper in the years that has passed. I followed the sound and saw 4 other people my age there...including Kaname! 

I knew Kaname always had friends...I never knew Tsumugu did. I felt really jealous as they played together. I am probably the only one who hasn't made new friends in the past years. I tried moving a bit more forward until I tripped over a metal pot that made a lot of sounds while it rolled down the mountain. There was silence, so I hid behind the rock, fully.

"What was that?" One of them asked. 

"I'll go check. It was probably a squirrel," Kaname says, coming to the rock. Tsumugu followed him, and they both stared at me with surprise. 

"Do I look like a squirrel to you?" I asked with a pouty face. 

"Kaishu!" They both say at the same time. I smiled hard and stood up. 

"Wait, you know Kaishu?" Kaname and Tsumugu ask each other. 

"At night I would hang out with Kana and at the day I would hang out with Tsumu," I said, putting my left hand around Tsumugu's neck and the other one around Kaname. "You two really grew a lot."

"Well, we are 14 years old, you know," Tsumugu says. I took my hands off and one of their friends tried to get our attention. 

"Who's she?" A girl with light auburn brown hair asks. 

"Guys, this is Kaishu. When you guys leave...this is the girl I have been hanging out with. I guess it is the same with Tsumugu," Kaname says, gritting his teeth with a smile. 

"My first best friend," Tsumugu says, hugging me.

"Well, she was a best friend who understood me," Kaname says, pulling me to his hands. I watched as the two kept switching and hugging me. A guy pushed both of them aside. 

"Konichiwa, my name is Sakishima. Since Kaname lets you call him by his first name. Call me Hikari!"The guy says, showing the spocker in front of my face. 

"Konichiwa! My name is Kaishu!" I said, doing the same thing that he did to his face. 

"I like her!" Hikari says, holding my hand up high. 

"I say you don't touch my crush and I won't touch yours," Tsumugu whispers in his ears, so I didn't hear him. Hikari's hand dropped and he stood next to the two girls.

"So, Kaishu...I'm Chisaki and this is Manaka. Are you from the surface or the ocean?" She asks me. 

"From the ocean," Kaname says. 

"No, she is from the surface," Tsumugu says. 

"I...actually don't know," I said. "My parents died when I was 7."

"If you have ena, then you must be from the ocean," Manaka says.

"The thing is, my Ena appears only when I am in the water, it fades inside my skin when I am not. I have researched that you guys have ena that is like glass. My ena is stretchy and liquidy," I said.

"Then, what are you?" Hikari asks. 

"A freak that shouldn't be near Tsumugu," Manaka mumbles. 

"Pardon?" I say. 

"Nothing...," She says. 

"Are you fine with showing them what you actually are?" Tsumugu asks me. 

"If you two are friends with them, I'm sure they are trustworthy," I said, taking off the leaf crown, and pulling my tail out of my skirt. 

"That explains your clothes," Manaka says, staring at me. 

"Oh! I have read about you guys in books, aren't you an amocromyth....didn't all of them go extinct?" Chisaki asks.

"Specifically, I am a wolf amocromyth. I did travel to look for them for like a couple of years...well, I couldn't find any. I guess you could say there is no more left," I said. 

"Any but you, huh?" Tsumugu asks. 

"Look at the bright side! At least there is one, you know?" I said, smiling hard. 

"Aren't you a positive one?" Hikari says, laughing. 

"She hasn't changed since I was 9," Kaname says, hugging me. 

"This town is pretty trustable. You see,  Chisaki, me, Manaka, and Kaname are the only people from the ocean in our school. It shouldn't be any different for you," Hikari says. "I'm saying, you should join our school!"

"Well, she will need education," Tsumugu says, looking at me. 

"It would be fun," I said. 

"I'll ask my parents to enroll you!" Kaname says, holding my hand. 

"Don't worry about it, my grandpa can do it," Tsumugu says, holding my hands. 

"Is anyone else feeling like there is pressure in the air right now?" Hikari whispers to the other two girls. The two started to nod while Manaka stared at me and gritted her teeth. I started to notice that they have been glaring at each other the whole time. 

"Uh, I have money. I did have a job in the towns I have been in," I said, taking the pouch, that I tied to my leaf skirt. 

"Would this be enough?" I asked. Tsumugu takes the money and starts to count it. 

"This is perfect for a uniform and for the school fee," he says, looking at me. I jumped up and down. 

"Great!" I said. 

"Wow, it is starting to get dark. We should probably be heading back in the water. 

"I should probably head back into the forest," I said, running off. 

"Bye!!!!" I yelled out. 

"Didn't the forest turn into another city?" Kaname says. 

"That is what sensei said at school," Hikari says. 

"She will probably head back here, I'll wait for her," Tsumugu says. 

"It's fine, you should go. I will wait for her here. Besides, I have this pool to get my ena hydrated," Kaname says, smiling. 

"I insist. Your parents might be waiting for you," Tsumugu says. The other 3 left and Kaname and Tsumugu kept quiet and frowned at each other. Kaname went in the water while Tsumugu started to clean up. Both were angry at each other.

"I love you both! K?!" | Kaname x Reader x Tsumugu|OCWhere stories live. Discover now