Chapter 10

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Suddenly, there was this weird smell, at the party. Everyone started to faint. Tsumugu and Kaname fell to the ground. 

"Kaishu watch behind you!" Onii-chan yells, but it was too late. I felt a metal thing, bang my hand, and I slowly fall to the ground. The same happens to my Onii-chan.

------ (3 hours later)

I slowly open my eyes. Dang, I feel so cold. My vision is blurry, and I feel really dizzy. I tried rubbing my eyes, but I couldn't. That is when I realized I was tied to a chair. 

"MmmMMMMMMmmm!" I said while trying to set myself free. Then, I heard voices coming from the other room. The voice became louder and louder until someone started turning the doorknob. I immediately pretended to still faint.

"Couldn't we just get the two amocromyths? I mean, what are we going to with the other children?" I heard a man ask. 

"Well, we can sell the children. We could get millions out of those as well," man #2 says. 

"Why can't we just keep them. Both look so hot," whines man #3.

"Imagine all the girls, fame, and money we will get from selling them. One we can kill, since people love their meat. They will go begging for it. So, the other one we can sell for 100,000,000 dollars...or maybe more. I'm thinking we kill the boy and sell the girl," man #1 says. "Besides, these shits are fucking freaks. They deserve to live in hell. Anyways, who's up for another shot?"

"Sure," Man 2# and #3 say.  Then, I hear the door lock. Honestly, these people are dumb. Who uses chains and locks to tie a person up. Luckily, my bobby pin was loose in my hair, so I started to shake my head until the bobby pin, fall onto my lap. Then, I took the bobby pin and tried my best to open the lock. Almost there....done! I quickly untied my leg. I went over to my Onii-chan and untied his too, but he wasn't awake yet. 

I went out the door and heard the 3 men talking. 

"Let's go check on the other children," man #3 says. I slowly followed the 3 men into another room. I saw everyone, piled on top of each other.

"It wouldn't hurt to keep one of the girls, right? I mean, this one is really sexy," man #2 says, holding up Chisaki.

"You aren't wrong," Man #1 and #3 say at the same time. Man #2 hands started to drift to Chisaki's chest. Suddenly, I felt my eyes warming up, I felt two sharp things inside my mouth, and I felt my nails growing about 6 inches. 

I snuck up behind Man #3 and stabbed him with my nail. Eeeeee I could feel his bone. Did I go too deep? Meh...

"How did you escape," Man #1 says, raging at me and coming to attack me. I pinned him to a wall and stuck my fangs onto his neck. This is disgusting but my instincts say it is right.

Without knowing, Man #2 comes out of nowhere and bangs something on my head. Argh, I feel dizzy. I look behind me and saw my Onii-chan banging him on the head. I looked at the other children, and it seemed like they woke up, and so did Chisaki. She looked broken. 

Soon, I fainted.


3 hours later.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I felt 8 hands going around me. It was Kaname, Tsumugu, Chisaki, and my Onii-chan. 

"I thought you died!" Onii-chan says. 

"Nah, my head just hurts," I said, rubbing my head. Onii-chan and Chisaki took their hands off me and Kaname and Tsumugu were still hugging me. 

"Damn, humans can be so clingy, can't they?" Onii-chan says. 

"Hey, at least we weren't the one gripping on to Chisaki for the last 3 hours," Tsumugu says. I started to laugh.

"We do not talk about that," Chisaki and my Onii-chan say, blushing.

"Change of topic, you looked really hot with fangs and claws. How come you never showed us?" Kaname says as I blushed.

"Well, I never knew I got them until that moment. I guess, I just hit puberty," I said simply.

"Do you not bleed, in your, you know?" mumbles Chisaki.

"Yeah, I do. I am born with that happening. Also, that only happens for us about every 6 months. I heard it happens to humans every month. That must suck," I said, laughing.

"Shut up! Your just lucky to be an amocromyth!" Chisaki says. 

"Oh? You haven't hit puberty yet?" Onii-chan teases.

"Well, I did now!" I said, blushing. Everyone started to laugh.

Soon, everything got back to normal. Mikomi felt really bad that everyone got kidnapped at her birthday party. It honestly isn't her fault. 

Onii-chan and Chisaki got together. I, Tsumugu, and Kaname were together forever. Life couldn't have gotten better.

"I love you both! K?!" | Kaname x Reader x Tsumugu|OCWhere stories live. Discover now