Chapter 3

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"So, you like...Kaishu," Tsumugu asks at last. 

"It's not like you don't as well," Kaname shoots back. 

"I usually let people win a fight when it is necessary, but I really want Kaishu in my life!" Tsumugu yells. Kaname was surprised at his behavior. He never knew that Tsumugu can be like this.  And he never knew that he is going to have to fight with Tsumugu.

"You're not the only one! I want her too! I would be the happiest boy alive if she was mine!" Kaname yells back. 

"Well, I love her more! She is mine!" Tsumugu yells. Kaname comes out of the water and the two came closer to fight.


I started to run in the way to where the jungle was. When I arrived, all I saw were huge buildings. Did I take the wrong route? Then, I saw people cutting down trees. I remember the tree they were cutting down! There were peaches on it every spring! They ruined my home!! 

Tears started to flood my eyes...I can't believe some humans can be cruel like this. I started to run back to the place I saw Kaname and Tsumugu. I heard them scream at each other, and fight, but I was too upset to notice. I flung my hands around them. 

"Hey!" I said, smiling. "I saw that my home has been destroyed by....humans."

"Wait, your not sad," Kaname asks. I shook my head and smiled again. 

"Then what's this droplet on your cheek?" Tsumugu asks. 

"I dipped my face into the water, I guess this droplet didn't go with my ena," I said, wiping the droplet. The two glared at me and I kept smiling.

 "Hey, I couldn't depend on that forest my whole life. I knew that one day...this would happen," I said, biting my lower lip. I lied real bad...I depended on that forest my whole life and I never knew this was coming. I didn't want them to know I was sad. I feel guilty whenever someone pity's me for some reason. 

"If you say so. So, where will you be staying?" Kaname asks me. 

"I didn't think about that," I said, itching my head. 

"How about you stay with me?" Kaname and Tsumugu ask at the same time. 

"It's anyways only me and my grandpa, we wouldn't mind another person in our house," Tsumugu says. 

"Well, my parents love having guests. They would be happy to have you over," Kaname says. 

"I don't know...they probably wouldn't have a wolf amocromyth in their house," I said to the two. 

"I wouldn't mind," An old man says from the back. "In fact, it would be nice to have a girl in our house. You must be the girl that Tsumugu always talked about. But, he never told me you were a wolf amocromyth."

"I wouldn't mind either. I've always wanted a daughter anyways," A woman says.

"Ma!" Kaname yells in surprise.

"My son also talked about a girl he has been meeting every night. But he did leave out the fact that she was different," Kaname's mama says. 

"How about I stay in one of your guys' houses one day and another day, I will stay in the other person's house," I suggested. "I would love to be with all of you guys." 

"Are you not from the sea?" The Kaname's mama asks. 

"I don't know where I am from. Your ena is like glass and my ena is stretchy and liquidy. When I am on land, my ena sinks inside my body," I said. 

"Well, aren't you an interesting one?" Kaname's mama says. I smiled at her and shrugged. 

"She can stay with you guys today night, I need to talk about this to my husband anyways. Hun, you come to stay with us tomorrow, k?" Kaname's mama says. 

"Arigato, Oba-san(someone else's mom in Japanese)!" I said, bowing.

"It's alright! I will be looking forward to tomorrow, Kaname, let's go," Kaname's mom says and I nodded. 

"K, I guess...see you tomorrow!" Kaname says. "Can I get a hug?"

I laughed and hugged him hard, and ruffled his hair. He hugged me back and closed his eyes with a smile. Soon, we let go and we said our goodbyes. 

"Shall we go home...uh," I said, trying to address Tsumugu's grandpa. 

"Call me, Ojii-san(grandpa)," he tells me. 

"Gomen, Ojii-san...I don't mean to a disturbance," I said, bowing. 

"Well, you aren't really a disturbance, besides my mago(grandson) does have a soft side for you," he says. 

"Ojii-san," Tsumugu mumbles while blushing.

"Well...I always have had a soft side for Tsumu too!" I said, holding his hand up high. Tsumugu looked away from me and started to blush nuts. It was funny seeing him this way, was cute. 

WHAT AM I SAYING?! I can't fall in love with my best friend. Now that I think about it, I've always fallen in love with Kaname's smiles. They are always so warm, that it makes me feel like I want to be with them. 

I slapped my face really hard. 

"Are you okay?" What got into you?" He asks, coming to my face. 

"I- A COCKROACH WAS CRAWLING ON MY FACE!" I yelled while blushing.

"A cockroach?" He asks. 

"W-We-," I didn't get to finish. Tsumugu started to laugh. I calmed down and smiled. So, what if I fall in love with the two! I can love them if I want.

Soon, we went inside their house. I took my shoes off, took a bath, wore a towel around myself, and wore the same clothes on top of the towel. I did this because I didn't want Tsumugu to see the bruises that I got from the other towns. They are definitely not as kind as Kaname and Tsumugu. After doing this, I went to the kitchen where Tsumugu was. 

"I have some extra clothes for you, What's up with the towel outfit." He says, giving me extra clothes.

"Not much of a reason for it" I said. 

"Okay, anyways! They may be a bit big. These are my cousin's clothes that got mixed with mine," he says.

 These are my cousin's clothes that got mixed with mine," he says

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