Chapter 8

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"Ew, don't you guys have lice!" A boy screams out.

"No, I have never gotten any lice," I said, tilting my head.

"I heard they have a weird musky smell," a girl says.

"I thought humans use musk for perfume...well, we have the musk in us. So, gomen...I don't see the difference," I said, bowing. No one else talked anymore since they didn't have any comebacks.

"Anways, if anyone wants to ask any more questions to our...animals friend, you may ask her at lunch," Sensei says, still looking surprised. I smiled at him and asked him where my seat was.

"Anyways, Kaishu, please tell me your owner. As a amocromyth, you need tell your sensei your owner, so I could contact them if anything goes wrong," Sensei says

"You don't need to sensei, they are here in this class," I said.

"Really? Who?" He asks.

"Us," Kaname and Tsumugu say at the same time. Sensei comes and reads my collar.

"In that case, Mukaido, please sit in the empty seat in front of Sakishima. Let our classmate here sit in the middle of her owners," sensei says.

"I like my seat, sensei," Manaka says.

"Kaishu is new to our school. Besides, you are good friends with Sakishima, right? Also, across from you is Hiradaira," sensei says.

"All right...," Manaka says. I went to Manaka and bowed with an apology. She responded with a soft tch that I only heard. She really doesn't like me, does she? I sat down in my seat, which is in the back. Tsumugu was right next to me, he had the window seat, and Kaname was on my other side.

Soon, it was lunchtime, and surprisingly, I was able to get along with some of the girls and boys of my class. We did have many similarities and dislikes. They had so many questions about my life as an amocromyth. Was it pretty surprising to have an amocromyth as a classmate?

"Can I have everyone's attention! As we all know we have a holiday tomorrow due to the holidays. Tomorrow is my birthday! I hope you guys can all come. It's a sleepover and a pool party! Hey, Kaishu! I hope you make it! I have a bathing suit that I can spare for you that I think will be so cute!" Mikomi says, winking at me. I smiled at her and nodded.

Soon, the school was over and I went to Tsumugu's house. After dinner, we fell asleep.

------------The next day, Tsumugu, Kaname, and I went to Mikomi's birthday party with some gifts. I made her a small sculpture of her out of wood. I mean, it is the only thing I am really good at."Glad you can make it! Kaishu! I was waiting for you!!" She says, smiling really hard. She wore a cute, a bit revealing swimsuit.

 She wore a cute, a bit revealing swimsuit

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"Wow...nice...clothes! I'm glad to be here too! Arigato for inviting us and happy birthday," I said, smiling and giving her my gift. Mikomi pulls me inside, and Tsumugu and Kaname walk inside with a slight giggle.

"Girls these days," Kaname says, laughing. I went inside a room where all the girls were changing in.

"Wow! Hiradaira! You look so sexy with your huge breasts!" I heard one of the girls tell Chisaki. She was blushing really hard and smiled. She also wore something revealing. She probably got forced to wear something like this.

 She probably got forced to wear something like this

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Manaka glared at me while I gave her a small smile. Then, Kiratu comes to me and shows me my outfit. 

"Wow! This shows

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"Wow! This much of my body! Are you sure I am supposed to wear this?" I asked, looking at the swimsuit.

"Hey! Hiradaira can't look sexy alone. She needs another partner with huge breasts too," Okashi says, pushing me inside the closet to change.

"I could use some company," Chisaki says, twirling her hair.

"So, I just wear this and nothing else?" I asked from the closet.

"Yes!" Everyone yelled.

"Just this...bra and underwear?" I asked again.

"Yes!" Everyone yelled again.

"Okay...," I said, changing into it. So, I got to walk in a bra and underwear in front of many other people. Don't worry, Kaishu! You've done this with your leopard print top and leaf skirt. It's basically the same thing! I wore the swimsuit and luckily, I found some concealer and they are waterproof! I could cover some marks. only lasts for 3 hours. I'm going to make those 3 hours count!

"Damn, you look so cute! Let me squeeze those melons," Mikomi says, chasing me around the room. 

"I feel bad for her," Chisaki says. "I had to deal with the same exact thing."

Soon, I got tired, and Mikomi got what she wanted. 

"Do you guys know what the guys are doing?" Okashi asks. 

"I'm pretty sure they are already hanging out in the pool. It's only us who are here," Manaka says. 

"Well, let's go! Hiradaira and Kaishu, don't take too much of the spotlight," Mikomi says, laughing. 


"What are you guys waiting for?" Kaname asks coming outside to the backyard with Tsumugu. 

"Hiradaira and Kaishu! They are the sexiest in the class. I don't know about Kaishu, but Hiradaira has huge boobs. 

"First of all, Kaishu also has huge boobs!" Kaname says. 

"Second of all, Kaishu is our girlfriend, so I say no funny business," Tsumugu says and Hikari smiles and Tsumugu. 

"Dang, lucky! Must be nice having a sexy girlfriend. I thought girls from our class went through puberty, but it did no change in their bodies," Sayama whines. Tsumugu and Kaname look at each other and smile hard. 

"The girls are coming!!! Finally, it took them long enough."

"I love you both! K?!" | Kaname x Reader x Tsumugu|OCWhere stories live. Discover now