Chapter 6

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"Well, is settled. Kaishu, would you want the people who tried to own you, repay you for some reason. If so, please tell me the reason," the lawyer says.

"Well, they did hurt my owners. They tried protecting me but these humans hurt them real bad. I hope you could give them a minor punishment for this," I said.

"I see, well, each will have to pay 20,000 yen. There are 36 people, so is that fair?" He asks me.

"Arigato. Gomen for the people who wanted to own me. To be honest, I really don't trust you guys, I haven't had a good experience with humans apart from Kana's mama, Kana, Tsumu, and his Ojii-san. I hope we can still be friends," I said, bowing to the crowd. Some people agreed, and others were being idiots. Tsumugu and Kaname filled out some paper and I was supposed to give my fingerprint. I escorted Tsumugu and Kaname outside the building to a bench nearby once everyone had left the court. 

"Gomen! Gomen! Gomen!" I yelled while kneeling.

"For what? What is important is if you didn't get hurt," Tsumugu says, trying to move hands.

"Are YOU okay?" Kaname asks, doing the same thing. I slowly put their hands down.

"I'm not hurt! You two are...are YOU two okay?" I asked. "Wait here! I'm going to go buy you guys some leaves and ice...they do sell ice, right?"

"We don't need leaves. There is a store opposite of us. Can you please go and ask them for an ice pack and some band-aids," Tsumugu says.

"I will be quick! I promise," I said, staring into their eyes. I took some money and went to the store.

"Ah, I thought you guys are extinct," A man says, surprised. "Never mind that, do you have an owner?"

"Yes, I do. Speaking about my owners. They need uh...two," I was trying to remember what Tsumugu said.

"Mmmm, do you mean ice packs. From the look at your owners, they probably need 4 rolls of band-aids and some medicine," the man says.

"You are very kind. It's nice to know you aren't like other men," I said, bowing.

"It's nothing...this is going to be 4166.73 yen plus tax," he says.

"Arigato," I said, giving him the money, and he handed me some change. I ran to Tsumugu and Kaname and started to treat them.

"So, first...I put the medicine," I said, reading the bottle. After putting some medicine on my skirt, I started applying it to Kaname.

"Ouch!" He hisses.

"Gomen, does it hurt? I don't know if I am doing it right," I said.

"Don't worry, you are doing it right. Medicine usually stings when you put it on a bruise," Tsumugu says.

"Oh..okay," I said, starting to put it on Tsumugu. Then, I began to wrap the places they got hurt really bad. Then, I gave them the ice pack, and they put it on themself.

"Do you guys want me to go get some food? It is noon," I said, looking up at the sky. The sun was really high up.

"It would be nice to have lunch in a shaded spot, how about we sit over there. That table has an umbrella," Kaname says. I nodded and took them there, holding them tightly and taking them there one at a time.

"So, what would you like," I asked while panting.

"I'll have some miso soup ramen," Tsumugu says, and I note it down.

"I'll have some Gyoza," Kaname says. "What about you?"

"I don't know. I usually eat whatever I get," I said. "I mean, it's not like I had much of a choice."

"I love you both! K?!" | Kaname x Reader x Tsumugu|OCWhere stories live. Discover now