Chapter 7: A Tragedy of Childhood Friends Inside the Movie

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The wind blows, bringing warm air on a sunny day in September. The sound of students speaking while playing in the schoolyard full of red and yellow leaves could be heard from the classroom.

On one of the windows, there was a wolfdog daydreaming while resting his head on his arm. He was staring blankly ahead without focus, ignoring the countless sounds from outside. His mind wandered at the moment as he reckoned about the thing that happened yesterday.

As the day was nearing the end, the two youths packed their things and rode back to the town. On the way, Arthur was tempted to hug the feline while resting himself on his back, but he held himself back. He didn't want to make another unnecessary misunderstanding.

"Okay, pup. We have arrived at your destination." Michelle spoke in a playful tone while dropping him off near his house.

"Thanks, Michelle. It was a fun 'date'." Arthur chuckled. "I hope we can visit that place again sometimes. Your secret base is too good to be left alone."

"No problem, pup. That place is open for you anytime. And since it can't be my secret anymore because you found out, it's not 'your secret base' now, but 'OUR secret base'."

"What are you? Communism?"

Laughter echoed from the two youths followed by the rhythmical chirping sound of crickets.

Small lights started to emerge from the dark meadow, floating at low altitudes.

"Oh look. Fireflies." The wolfdog pointed across the wooden fence. "It's unusual for them to come out in this late season."

"You must have seen them often since you lived here."

"Yeah. There were a lot of them last summer. Compared to this, well, you probably can't imagine it."

"Oh really?" He put his hands on the fence as he stared at the dim scenery. "That must be pretty."

"Yeah, it is. You should try to walk across them. It's like crossing a sea of lights. I tried to catch some in a container before, and behold," He made a gesture like he was hanging something in his hand. "A lantern."

"Sounds cool. Will the number increase as time passes tonight?"

"I doubt it. Let me see." Arthur climbed up the fence to see them clearly. "Hmm... There's really not much. Too bad, I wish I could show you that."

"You can show me another time."

"Yeah, and that will be next summer. It will be almost a year later."

"What's wrong with next year? It's not like we can't see each other in a year."

"...Right. See you next summer then. I'll show you my favorite spot. I know a place where there is a lot of it."

"Deal. I'm looking forward to it."

They bumped their fist together as they made their promise.

Right after that, he watched him go as the lamp on the motorcycle disappeared into the dark. He went to his home, cleaned himself, and went to his bed. He played a lot all day, but strangely he didn't feel sleepy. His mind was occupied with the promise that he made just a while ago.

Next summer. It means after graduation. Arthur still hasn't decided on his future path yet. It could be that he won't be in this town anymore if he follows the president's suggestion to get a colleague outside the town. Michelle could also move somewhere after graduating like Kazuki. Arthur rarely saw his friends in middle school after he got to high school, so he might not see his friends often anymore. Thinking like that made him kinda sad.

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