Chapter 14: A Dense Protagonist (unedited)

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Don't worry, I'm sober now. You can get the progression that you want here.


"Now that I think about it, we only ask about corn and other crops, yet we barely talk about animals despite it being our project theme."

"Well, it's no use crying over spilt milk. We better start the work now." The president took a note from Arthur's bag. "Arthur and I will check the sheep, while the rest go to where the cows gather. Make sure to miss anything that needs to be filled here. I believe you can at least do this."

"As expected from a shepherd, ya really choose ya own specialty."

Ignoring the feline remark, she handed the note to Michelle. "I entrust them to you, Mike. I won't ask you much, but please at least make them do their job properly, especially your friend there."

"Sure, Jay. You can trust me, just like the old day." The feline said with a wink.

She chuckled. "I know I can trust you."

Looking at how close the two were, Arthur felt complicated. Just not long ago the president called him a troublemaker at school, and now she could completely trust him. Perhaps she just wanted to make excuses to be involved with her childhood friend that she hasn't spoken to for a long time.

He was happy that his new friend and boss could reunite, but somehow he felt that his position as her number one secretary was threatened.

"Alright that's it. Let's get the job done." She turned around and walked to the field. "Follow me, Arthur. We have a lot of things to do."

"Yes, president!" Arthur exclaimed and started running while throwing his previous thought to the back of his mind.

So what if he was her childhood friend? The one who she recognized the most is no other than him. He should stop having useless thoughts and follow her wholeheartedly.

Like that, the wolfdog followed the shepherd with his tail slightly wagging.

As they were already far away, the persian cat moved closer to the shiba inu and whispered. "Say, doncha think there is something between those two?"

Kazuki looked at TM while raising an eyebrow. "You notice?"

"How the flying dutchman can I not notice, mate? The signs are bloody obvious." He grabbed his shoulders. "Ya better fahkin' be honest with me mate. Those two are a thing, right?"

"I'm not sure..." Kazuki shook his head in uncertainty. "Looking at how they interact, I don't think they are in that stage yet, but..."


"Even if they do like each other, things might not be as easy as you think.

"Both of them have a fatal flaw that makes it difficult for them to become a thing."

"Elaborate, mate."

"Okay, this is only my opinion, but I think the president is the type of girl that is quite troublesome in romance; a tsundere."

"Tsu- what?"

"Basically she can't be honest with her feelings. She will react strongly with any claim that she has feelings for him. Unless the man takes the first step or there is a certainty that he likes her, she will never be honest. As for the man..."


The canine sighed. "He is much worse. I grew up with him since we were a kid, and there is one thing I am so sure about. Of all male I have encountered, he is the most dense man I have ever known.

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