the party

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Louis: Harry, you better be coming to my party tonight. I don't want to be alone with the other hoes.

Received at 3:52 pm

Harry: why do you call everyone a hoe?

Sent at 3:53 pm

Louis: cause I can. Now get your ass to my party.

Received at 3:56 pm

Harry: it's only 4. I don't have to be there till 6.

Sent at 3:58 pm

Louis: get your ass here now or I'm telling Niall that you still have his 5sos hoodie.

Received at 4:01 pm

Harry: you wouldn't.

Sent at 4:02 pm

Louis: try me hoe.

Received at 4:03 pm

Harry: I really hate you.

Sent at 4:04 pm

Louis: eh. You win some you lose some. Doors unlocked when you get here, just let yourself in.

Received at 4:04 pm


Harry showed up to Louis' just a little after five, letting himself in like Louis had told him. No one was really there yet, except for Zayn who lived with Louis and Liam who might as well live here. Harry greeted his friends with a small wave and a half smile, not really in the mood to be around friends right now.

He would much rather be at home watching Netflix and think of ways to win Niall back, thus leading him to do the same thing he did every night.

But tonight things were different.

Cause for the first time since they broke up, Harry actually felt like had a reason to move on. Granted that reason was because Liam couldn't keep a secret to save his life.

God bless him.

"You alright there?" Liam asked, forcing Harry out of his thoughts. It was then that Harry noticed that he was standing rather close to his friends now, having walked over there when he was lost in thought. He gave Liam a sheepish smile before nodding.

"Sorry..." he said awkwardly.

"Well now that we're all here, let's get this party started." Louis smiled brightly, throwing his arms up. Everyone rolled their eyes at him, barely tolerant of his over excitable personality at the moment.

"Party doesn't start till six babe." Zayn said, kissing Louis' cheek before walking into the kitchen.

"Party pooper." Louis yelled after him.

"Suck my dick!" Zayn yelled back. A smirk formed on Louis' face, one that made both Liam and Harry groan.

"Already did that." Louis said to the two other boys, winking as if it was some sort of joke. Harry just shook his head before deciding that he would much rather be with Zayn than Louis.

Zayn was more quiet about their sexual activities.

Louis would broadcast their sex tape to all of England with a goddamn smile on his face.

Sometimes Harry questioned why he was friends with the couple.

"Need any help?" Harry asked once he walked into the kitchen. Zayn smiled at him softly before shaking his head.

"Nah. Most of the food is ready along with the drinks. Lou is expecting the entire building but honestly were probably going to get the whole neighborhood." Zayn chuckled, taking a sip of the beer he had grabbed from the fridge. Harry didn't really know what was so funny, but he chuckled a little too in hopes that Zayn would find him cool.

Harry liked Zayn.

He just wasn't very sure if Zayn liked him.

Friendship was weird.

"Do... Do you know if he invited Niall?" Harry whispered, feeling vulnerable all the sudden. He decided to look anywhere but at Zayn, finding his hands far more interesting.

"Yeah. He invited him, the chances of him actually showing up though... those aren't very high." Zayn said, hoping that maybe that would help Harry.

He knew things between the boys were rough.

He just didn't really understand the extent of it all.

"Oh. Cool." Harry smiled, even though it was fake. Zayn just clapped a hand down on the taller lads shoulder, a reassuring smile on his face.

"He probably won't even show up. Now come on, Louis probably thinks we're banging on the kitchen table."

"He would think that?"

"You obviously don't know Louis."


By the time it was six, the party was in full swing. People were already drunk, walking off to go hook up and what not. Harry sat on the edge of the room, wanting nothing to do with the crowd.

He was also praying to God Niall hadn't seen him yet.

Niall had arrived just a little over 5:30, bringing with him some blonde bimbo and a 24 pack of beer. Harry had been quick to hide from his ex, absolutely refusing to talk to him face to face.

It was sad really.

The two boys had once been so close.

Now they couldn't be further apart.

"Love sucks." Harry whispered to himself, shaking his head as he went to stand up and grab another drink. He pushed through the crowd, trying his best not to touch anyone. He let out a breath of relief once he reached the kitchen.

"Harry?" And Harry stopped breathing.

"F uck." He whispered, turning around to see Niall also there.

"Hey Ni..." Harry waved a little.

"I didn't know you were here..."

"Well I'm here... surprise." Harry said the surprise with a little more excitement, somewhat hoping that it would make all the awkward go away.

Sadly for him it didn't.

"It was great seeing you... I'll uh... I'll talk to you later?" Niall too was having a hard time talking to Harry in person.

Seeing him brought back the feelings.

"Yeah... I'll uh text you." Harry said, mentally cursing himself. Niall walked away without another word.

But both boys took out their phones, typing the words that they couldn't say out loud.

Niall: I miss you

Message canceled

Harry: I miss you

Message canceled


There's a possibility of a double update.

I'm not sure yet haha.




Connie xx

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