the plan that backfires

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"So... Where were you last night? I stopped by, but you didn't answer the door." Liam asks Harry later that day, sitting next to the younger boy as they played some random video game. Harry just shrugged, not really seeing why it should matter where he was last night. Liam would just give him that look, the one that told him he was being an idiot.

And sure... Harry was being a little stupid right now.

Did he care?

To be quite honest... No.

He didn't care if he was being stupid.

"I was out." 

"At two in the morning?" Liam arches an eyebrow, not really caring if he sounded like a parent or not. He cared about Harry's well being, so what? Sue him.

"Yeah. You know how I am... If I can't sleep, I go out. It's not a big deal Li." 

"I didn't say it was." Liam mutters, but he's lying. He's really trying not to get annoyed with Harry, knowing full well that it isn't his place or his job to know Harry's every single move... Harry lets out a sigh, knowing that Liam was just being the concerned friend he always was... He went to apologize but a loud ping goes off and lets Harry know he has a text.

Niall: hey, what are you doing right now? 

Received at 12:38 pm

Harry: hanging out with liam. 

Sent at 12:39 pm 

Niall: oh. 

Received at 12:40 pm 

Harry: why? 

Sent at 12:41 pm 

"Who are you texting?" Liam sighs, pausing the game as he finally gets fed up with the fact that he'd beat Harry yet again. Harry looks up from his phone, a little surprised that Liam was talking to him.

"It's just Niall." Harry says, completely ignoring the screaming voice in his head that was telling him to lie. 

"You guys are talking again?" 

"Uh yeah... We kind sorta maybe hooked up..." Harry doesn't even try to stop the words from spilling out of his mouth, but a shocked expression did cover his face for a second. 

"When?" Liam's trying not to show that he's upset, he's trying so goddamn hard that his voice almost cracks as he asks. Liam isn't really sure if he wants to know the answer...

"That's kinda where I was last night..." Harry ends up saying, knowing that he'd already gotten this far... He might as well tell Liam

What was the worst that could happen? 

"Oh... Does that mean you guys are back together then?" Liam's voice is quiet, the older boy trying to show that he was upset. 

"No... Not exactly." Harry says, biting his bottom lip. He wasn't really sure if that's what was going to happen... For all he knew... Niall was just looking for a hook-up... which in all honesty wouldn't surprise Harry. 

It wasn't like this was the first time the two of them had done this...

But Harry was determined for it to be different this time. 

"So you guys are just gonna be f uck buddies then?" Liam asks, a bitter tone in his voice but Harry being the oblivious idiot he was... didn't even notice. Harry just sighs, shaking his head as he checks his phone. Niall hadn't replied yet, not that Harry cared... 

Okay... he cared a little.

"Why don't you like the fact Niall and I are hooking up? Just the other day you were all for us getting back together." Harry finds himself asking, studying Liam for a reaction. Liam just lets out a bitter chuckle, his hands gripping the gaming paddle as he tries to keep his cool. He wanted to just scream at Harry... He was so fed up with all this pretending.

"I don't think he's the right guy for you. He's always using you, and it annoys me. You deserve better." You deserve me

"You're probably right, but there really isn't much we can do to fix that Liam. I'm already head over heals for him, it's not like I can just stop loving him with a flip of a switch." Harry says, a little annoyed with Liam but he understood where he was coming from. Liam's opinion was one of the only opinions that Harry cared about, so when Liam didn't like something... Harry tended to listen to him. 

"I've got an idea." Harry looks at Liam curiously now, his eyebrows arched as he waits for his best friend to tell him what he was thinking.

"Date me. We can pretend to be together... only around Niall of course... and if he gets jealous and shit... then we know he's really into you this time. That way you don't have to find out the hard way... like last time." Liam doesn't know what he's doing, completely taken aback by his own idea as he waits impatiently for Harry to say something... He wasn't really sure how Harry was going to take it, he was probably going to just laugh...

"You're serious?" Harry asks after a few seconds, looking at Liam's face in case the older boy burst out laughing or something along those lines. 

"Yeah... I mean... What's the worst that can happen?" Liam asks, but he kind of already knows the answer. 

"Okay... Let's do it then... It's not like you're gonna fall in love with me or anything, right?" Harry means it as a joke, winking at the end. Liam's heart skips a beat as he fakes a smile.

"Yeah... It's not like I'm gonna fall in love with you..." 

It's a little too late for that.



It's been quite some time.

How have you guys been?

Did my American readers have a good Fourth of July?

I did.

What do you guys think of Liam's plan? Do you think it's gonna backfire? (looks at chapter title cause it's totally gonna backfire lol)

Big thanks to Robbie (KingCommenter) for the idea, he's pretty damn awesome... You guys should check him out and shit.

That's all I've got to say tonight.




Connie xx 

Text Me In The Morning |n.s.|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin