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Liam: are you coming? 

Sent at 10:10 pm

Niall: to what? 

Received at 10:11 pm

Liam: my party.

Sent at 10:14 pm 

Niall: is harry there? 

Received at 10:15 pm

Liam:  no. you should come. 

Sent at 10:15 pm 

Niall: okay. 

Received at 10:16 pm 


Niall walks into Liam's place with his hands in his pockets and a sad look on his face. He hadn't really felt like coming, but he didn't exactly feel like spending his evening alone with no one to talk to. Normally he'd be texting Harry right about now, but the past few days the young boy had respected Harry's wishes... He didn't want to hurt Harry anymore.

Niall waves at the occasional person as he walks in, but he still felt alone. That's all Niall really felt nowadays... Alone.


And he knew exactly why that was.

He'd let Harry go.

He'd let the only person who made him feel alive, go. 

And it hurt.

It hurt like hell, but Niall didn't know what else to do. It was more than obvious to him that Harry was done, he'd said it himself. 

I don't love you anymore 

Who was Niall to argue with that? 

"Niall! There you are, it's about time you showed up." Liam shouts, walking over to his friend and throwing an arm around his shoulders. 

"Yeah... I guess." Niall says back, shrugging a little. He knew he should at least try to have fun... but right now all he wanted to do was be alone... yet here he was at a party with tons of people instead of his empty apartment... He kind of wished he could be there right now... Coming here was a mistake. 

"Why don't you grab something to drink? I'm sure Lou or Zayn is around here somewhere, or if you really want to you can go find someone to hook up with." Liam says, almost like that was the most obvious thing for Niall to do. Niall rolls his eyes before shaking his head.

"I'm not in the mood for a drink... or to hook up. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm here." Niall says quietly earning a small smile from Liam.

" That's fine and all... but I need your help with something real fast. Some guys want to play a game but they're all up in my room. Mind helping me grab them?" Liam says, earning a small nod from Niall. Liam grins before grabbing Niall's arm and dragging him up to his room. Niall opened the door, a confused expression on his face when he saw that it wasn't Liam's room but actually the spare room... and Harry was sitting on the floor in front of the door. Before Niall had the chance to react, Liam slammed the door behind him and locked it. Harry had a shocked expression on his face before standing up from the floor to bang on the door.

"Liam f ucking Payne, open this door!" Harry shouts, banging rather harshly on the door.

"Not until you both grow up and fix things." Liam shouts back, earning a rather long groan from Harry. The younger of the two boys stops banging on the door, turning to look at Niall with a frown.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, folding his arms across his chest as he looks at Niall. 

"Liam invited me. He told me you weren't coming." Niall says quietly, refusing to look at Harry. 

"He told me that you weren't coming." 

"Well I guess he lied." 

"No shit. F ucker." Harry shakes his head, glaring at the door before letting out a long sigh. The two boys fall into a silence, one that hangs in the air and is almost suffocating. Niall can't look at Harry and all Harry can do is stare at him.

Niall looked miserable.

But that didn't mean that Harry was going to talk to him. 

Harry was miserable too, he had been for months. He couldn't count how many nights he sat alone in his apartment, missing Niall more than anything else.

Wishing that he'd give a shit.

But he only cared when it concerned himself, and Harry hated him for it.

Harry hated Niall for a lot of reasons.

"He's not going to open the door unless we talk..." Niall whispers, earning a snort from Harry.

"He can lock us in here for as long as he wants to, I'm done talking to you." Harry says, his voice bitter. Niall expected him to be upset, he knew Harry hated him... but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. 

"I get that you hate me, really I do. I get that you think I don't give a shit, like I'm actually happy about the fact that I hurt you. But you want to know something? You're not the only one who got hurt. I tried to fix things and you just threw it all back in my face, made me feel like shit and that it was pointless to even try. I get it though, I deserved it right? That's what you keep trying to tell me, that I deserved you hating me... and I get it." Niall says, even if Harry doesn't say anything back. 

"I know you don't want me to say it, but I am sorry. I never meant for things to end up like this and I accept the fact that I'm the reason we're in this mess... I accept the fact that you hate me, that you don't want to even talk to me... but that doesn't mean I'm not sorry. So let's be honest with each other, it's not like we will be getting out of this room anytime soon." 


Idk how many more chapters are left tbh haha. No more than ten for sure... I don't know. We will see lol. I have a habit of making longer books than planned. 




Connie xx 

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