just tell me

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"I don't have anything to say to you." Harry says stubbornly, folding his arms across his chest as he refuses to look at Niall. Niall lets out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair before sitting down on the ground. He doesn't say anything for a few moments and instead just sits there and stares at Harry. Harry eventually looks at Niall again, his expression one of annoyance as he glares at Niall.

"Stop staring at me."

"Just talk to me. Tell me about how much you hate me, tell me about how stupid I am or how you wish I would just disappear. Tell me what I did wrong, tell me why I don't deserve you, tell me why you don't love me anymore."

"You really want me to tell you all of that? You want me to tell you everything that led us to this moment? To the fact that I can't even stand being in the same room as you right now? Are you sure that's what you really want?" Harry asks, his tone bitter and Niall was surprised that he wasn't throwing things at him. Harry didn't get angry, he was too gentle for that kind of thing... so the fact that Harry couldn't even look at Niall without a glare meant Niall was in some pretty deep shit.

"If it means that you'll talk to me, then go ahead. Tell me."

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" Harry asks, scoffing a little as Niall just shrugs.

"I've always been told I'm stubborn."

"Stubborn doesn't even begin to cover it." Harry says, his voice a little softer now.

"You're probably right about that. You were always the one thing I was the most stubborn about, to be honest." Niall says, but that just makes Harry's glare return.

"Don't. I don't want to talk about us." Harry says, his tone once again bitter and cold. Niall almost flinched, but he knew he deserved this.

"We don't have to."

"We're not going to." Harry says stubbornly and who was Niall to argue? He didn't want to upset Harry anymore than he already had.

"Okay." And the room falls silent once again. Harry lays down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling while Niall just leaned against the wall next to the door. Neither of them said anything, but both were dying to say something. Niall sighs before taking out his phone, frowning when he sees he has several unread messages.

All from Harry.

Harry: you want me to tell you why, so this is me telling you why. You don't even want to know how much I wish I could hate you, Niall. I want so badly to but it's not in me to. But I do hate what you did and I guess that's why you think I hate you.

Received at 10:53 pm

Harry: to be honest I think you're an idiot, a complete imbecile. I think that you're an asshole and sometimes I wonder what I even saw in you to begin with.  I don't want you to disappear, even though I make you feel like I do.

Received at 10:54 pm

Harry: Now you wanna know what you did wrong? I'll tell you exactly what you did wrong. You broke up with me for no reason whatsoever. You told me that I wasn't what you wanted, that I didn't "do it" for you anymore. You made me feel like it was my fault you didn't want to be with me anymore, like I did something wrong when we both know all I did was love you. Next, you broke up with me on our anniversary but I don't think you even realized that. Then after we broke up, you pretended like we never happened. It took you a month to even respond to my texts and even then you weren't really talking to me. You kept making me feel like shit, but for whatever reason I kept coming back. The one thing that drew the line though was the fact that you convinced me that we'd be together again. You made me forget about everything you did to me, you made me feel special again. You made me love you again. Only to blame me for the fact that everything fell to shit again.  So that's what you did wrong.

Received at 10:59 pm

Harry: finally, I can't tell you why I don't love you anymore because I still love you. Despite everything, I still f ucking love you and I hate it because I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you making me feel like I'm nothing, like you don't care. I don't need you pretending like you want me again only to throw it all in my face. I never asked for any of this, Niall. I never wanted to lose you but for whatever reason I did and the fact that I blame myself for this is ridiculous. This wasn't my fault, I didn't do this. So explain to me how you're able to act like nothing happened? How are you able to act like we're fine? Like you didn't break my heart? What makes it so easy for you to forget all about me when I can't even begin to get over you? It's your turn to talk, I did my part.

Received at 11:03 pm


Sorry for taking two months. It kind of happens when I lose the want to update haha. Mainly because I feel like you guys aren't enjoying this story anymore... So yeah.

There's probably only one or two more chapters left.




Connie xx

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