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Niall: I hope you're f ucking happy Liam. You won

Sent at 1:03 am

Liam: what are you talking about?

Received at 1:03 am

Niall: don't play stupid. You know what I'm talking about. You know, I honestly believed you when you said that you weren't going to take him from me. I thought you were my friend. I thought you were going to help me. I didn't think you'd actually have the guts to stab me in the back like that. So f uck you. You and Harry deserve each other. You're both assholes.

Sent at 1:04 am

Liam: Obviously you're an idiot to think he'd actually want to be with me. And he isn't an asshole. Don't even try that shit.

Received at 1:05 am

Niall: don't f ucking pretend like you're not dating him. I saw you at the party.

Sent at 1:05 am

Liam: your point We always hang out at parties.

Received at 1:06 am

Niall: Louis said that you and Harry were together. I saw you guys holding hands.

Sent at 1:07 am

Liam: again, what's your point? We held hands. Big f ucking deal

Received at 1:08 am

Niall: you told me you'd never do that. You told me that his feelings were worth more than yours. You f ucking told me that he still loved me, and then you go behind my back and start dating him. That's a new low Liam, even for you.

Sent at 1:09 am

Liam: you're seriously that much of an idiot? Give me one good reason why he'd pick me over you? Honestly Niall, you're just looking for another reason to run. Just admit it. It'll save both of us a lot of time.

Received at 1:10 am

Niall: because you're what he deserves. You f ucking love him even though you know he doesn't feel the same way... And you're willing to put yourself on the line for him, even if it means breaking your own heart.He deserves someone who will love him no matter what, and it's f ucking you.

Sent at 1:11 am

Liam: do you love him?

Received at 1:13 am

Niall: What sort of question is that? Of course I do.

Sent at 1:12 am

Liam: then stop looking for a reason as to why he doesn't That's why you guys broke up in the first place, that's why you can't look past the fact that he decided to move on. You were so goddamn worried about him leaving you that you pushed him away. He's probably never going to stop loving you, and to be honest I feel bad for him because you're never going to give him that chance to officially move on. There's always going to be a part of Harry that belongs to you, whether he wants to admit it or not. You did such a number on him that he can't forget you even if he tried. And it's sad and it's ridiculous that you're still looking for excuses. So why don't you grow a f ucking pair and admit that you're the one who keeps being a jackass and hurting him. And don't you dare turn this around and make it about him hurting you. He only pretended we were dating in hopes of finding out whether or not you gave a shit about him. Which surprisingly you do, that's something not even God himself could've predicted.

Received at 1:14 am

Niall: f uck you Liam. You don't know anything.

Sent at 1:14 am

Liam: really? Stop being a prick Niall

Received at 1:14 am

Niall: if anyone's a prick here, it's you.

Sent at 1:15 am

Liam: k. Whatever. I don't care anymore. By all means, pretend like you're okay. Pretend that he's okay. Pretend like everything is f ucking okay. I'm just trying to help you realize the truth, and that truth being that you're the reasons why you're unhappy. You're the reason why he probably cried himself to sleep tonight. And you're the reason why your relationship went to hell. Next time when you love someone, try not to cut out their heart and dance on it after you run it over.

Received at 1:16 am

Niall: he broke my heart too. It wasn't just about him.

Sent at 1:17 am

Liam: oh really now? Name one thing he ever did to you besides pretend to be with me? All he ever did was love you Niall, so don't even try to paint him as the bad guy. If you want pity, you're not going to get it here. I'm not going to feel sorry for you, you lost taht pleasure the second you tried to blame Harry. He loved you, and all you did was break him.

Received at 1:18 am

Niall: I loved him too. You keep acting like I didn't, like I still don't. I love him, and I did what I thought was for the best. I didn't mean for things to end up like this.

Sent at 1:19 am

Liam: what did you expect to happen Niall? Did you expect him to be your best friend? Did you expect him to be happy with the fact you weren't together anymore? Honestly, I'm curious now. Did you really expect everything to be like a f ucking movie?

Received at 1:21 am

Niall: I don't know... I just... I never thought I'd lose him. I never thought I would be the one to let him go. I didn't mean to hurt him, but I'm hurting too Liam. I need him in my life, but I don't know how to get him back.

Sent at 1:23 am

Liam: well maybe you should start by actually owning up to what you did. Maybe you should stop being a dick to him every time you guys talk. Take it slow, he's not going to just fall into your arms with an apology. You have to work for it.

Received at 1:26 am

Niall: how? He won't even talk to me right now.

Sent at 1:28 am

Liam: give him the rest of the night to cool off and just text him in the morning.

Received at 1:29 am



anyways, i'm reposting this and then posting the next chapter lol

so yeah




Connie xx 

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