asshole 101

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"Do you really think I should unblock him?" Harry asks after an hour passes, earning a dramatic sigh from Liam as he rolls his eyes. It was the third time Harry had asked that question.

It was starting to get on Liam's nerves.

"It's not up to me what you do. I'm just saying give him a second chance." Liam says, shrugging as Harry bites his bottom lip. Harry didn't know what to do.

"I'm scared." Harry whispered, honesty in his words as he looks at Liam for some sort of reassurance. Liam didn't really know what Harry wanted him to say.

"He's your ex."

"He's an asshole." Harry said bitterly, glaring at his phone for just a second. Liam rolled his eyes at that, shaking his head a little before looking at Harry again

"You kinda were too Harry." Liam says, not really caring if Harry got offended. Harry knew better than to be, mainly due to the fact that Liam always gave his honest opinion.

He didn't see the point in lying to spare others feelings.

Unless of course it was like a life or death situation of course.

"I just don't know what to do Liam. I'm scared. I'm scared he's gonna hurt me again if I let him back into my life... but at that same time I want him back. He was the only one who really understood me, you know?" Liam resisted the urge to snort at that because no, Liam didn't know.

Liam understood Harry.

He always had

Liam knew Harry better than Niall did.

But he would always be second best.

He would always be Harry's second choice.

And for the time being that was okay.

"Like I said Harry... it's up to you. It's your choice to let him back into your life... I can't make it for you." Liam shrugs, hoping that Harry doesn't see past his fake smile.

Liam wanted nothing more than to tell Harry how he felt...

But just like Harry, he was scared that he'd get hurt.

Liam didn't want to get hurt.

"I know... it's just... it's hard cause I know I can't go through getting over him again. It's so f ucking hard Liam." Harry whispers, playing with the phone in his hands. Liam sighs again before standing up off the couch. Harry looked at Liam curiously.

"Well how about you think it over for a few minutes... I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Liam says, kissing Harrys cheek.

"Okay." Harry says, still playing with the phone in his hands as Liam walks away. Once he was out of sight, Liam pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"I can't believe I'm f ucking doing this." Liam whispers to himself, closing the bathroom door behind him. He simply leans against it, biting his bottom lip and shook his head as he pulled up Niall's messages

Liam: hey asshole

Sent 3:02 am

Niall: what do you want?

Received at 3:02 am

Liam: I just wanted to let you know that you can be a real dick sometimes.

Sent at 3:02 am

Niall: thanks, I appreciate that Liam. That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

Received at 3:03 am

Liam: let me finish. You can be a real dick sometimes but I know that you love Harry. So this is what you're going to do... you're going to drag your sorry ass here and talk to Harry in person. You're going to apologize for being a dick and then you're going to work shit out with him. Am I understood?

Sent at 3:04 am

Liam: I f ucking hate you btw.

Message canceled

Liam: he could do better

Message canceled

Niall: why?

Received at 3:04 am

Liam: because you love him.

Sent at 3:04 am

Niall: no shit. But why are you helping me? You love him too.

Received at 3:05 am

Liam: because I'm sick of seeing him cry over you. You're an asshole and in my opinion he could do so much better than you.

But for some f ucked up reason he loves you. I just want to see him happy, and if that means being with you then so be it.

Sent at 3:05 am

Niall: he doesn't want to be with me anymore Liam. He blocked me. He hates me. This is your chance.

He doesn't want me anymore.

Received at 3:05 am

Liam: he's scared you're gonna hurt him again Niall, can you really blame him for blocking you? You of all people should know that Harry doesn't handle confrontation well, he's scared.

Sent at 3:05 am

Niall: whatever, I tried Liam. I tried and it didn't work so what's the point in trying again? I'm done with him and he should be done with me.

Received at 3:05 am

Liam: you're a f ucking asshole Niall. He loves you.

Sent at 3:06 am

Niall: that's funny cause he called me a mistake earlier. He doesn't love me anymore Liam. Just give it up. It's pointless.

Received at 3:07 am

Liam: you know, you weren't always like this. You used to actually give a shit about him... you actually used to care. What happened to that Niall?

Sent at 3:07 am

Niall: he realized that caring is a really f ucking stupid thing. It only gets you hurt in the end.

Received at 3:07 am



Quite interesting indeed.

Niall's kind of an ass.

But then again so is Harry in a way





Connie xx

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