behind closed doors

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Liam: so, i'm throwing a party at my place tonight. Be there or be square.

Sent at 1:08 pm

Louis: who the f uck says be there or be square? 

Received at 1:09 pm

Liam: i do, so suck my dick.

Sent at 1:10 pm

Zayn: he'd rather suck my dick

Received at 1:10 pm

Louis: true, but rumor has it liam's ten inches 

Received at 1:11 pm

Zayn: Louis, don't be a hoe.

Received at 1:13 pm

Louis: i'm just saying

Received at 1:14 pm

Zayn: go choke on a dick

Received at 1:15 pm

Louis: bby don't be like this

Received at 1:16 pm

Zayn: #done

Received at 1:17 pm

Louis: #bitch

Received at 1:18 pm

Zayn: #bitchdidyoujustcallmebitch

Received at 1:20 pm

Liam: #shutup 

Sent at 1:21 pm

Harry: #ihateyouall

Received at 1:22 pm


"And I'm done with him, for real this time." Harry tells Liam for what was already the twentieth time that night. Liam was slowly starting to regret throwing this party, especially with how soon it had been since Niall and Harry's "official break-up" break-up. Liam knew it was going to happen though, Harry always talked about Niall... even if the younger didn't want to admit it. 

"So you keep saying." Liam finds himself saying, not really wanting to hear Harry go on another tangent about why he was done with Niall. Liam loved Harry, more than he should... but sometimes he just wanted to knock some sense into that boy. 

"I'll prove it to you. Right here, right now." Harry says, making Liam look at him like he'd lost his mind. 

"Really? How do you plan on doing that?" Liam asks, folding his arms over his chest as he looks at Harry expectantly. 

"Kiss me." 

"What?" Liam practically chokes out, looking at Harry like he had grown another head. This wasn't the Harry Liam knew and loved... Which was a little concerning. 

"You heard me. Kiss me." Harry is standing right in front of Liam now, looking the older boy straight in the eyes as he just stares at Harry completely dumbfounded. Here he was, given the chance to finally do the one thing he's wanted for nearly a year now.... and Liam didn't want to.

He didn't want to kiss Harry...

"No, I'm not going to kiss you." Liam says, shaking his head as he looks away from Harry. Harry lets out an annoyed huff before glaring at Liam.

"Then how else am I going to prove to you that I'm over Niall?" 

"I don't f ucking know, but kissing me isn't going to prove anything. Harry, you're my best friend. I love you, but you're not over Niall. We've been through this before. You keep saying you're over him, but you go crawling back to him without a second thought. I f ucking get that he broke your heart, I get that you want to get over him... but I'm not going to let you use me. I have more respect for you than that." Harry doesn't say anything for a moment, but he was no longer glaring at Liam. The younger boy just felt numb inside and for whatever reason.... He thought Liam could help him feel something again.

"I was being stupid... I'm sorry." Harry finally says, biting his bottom lip as he once again feels like crying. Liam sighs, feeling somewhat bad for getting after Harry but he felt like it was something Harry needed to hear. 

"You're right, you were being stupid but I didn't mean to make you cry. I love you, Harry... But I really don't like seeing you upset." 

"I just... I want it to stop hurting, you know? I gave him everything and he took it all for granted... I love him but I don't want to anymore.... but I can't picture my life without him. The other night, he kept apologizing and I told him to stop saying things that he didn't mean.... and then... I said I didn't love him anymore and I guess that makes me hypocrite cause I didn't mean it. I don't think... I don't think I can ever stop loving him, and that's one of the worst feelings." Harry says honestly, biting his bottom lip as he leans back against the wall. Liam lets out a sigh, shaking his head a little before looking at Harry.

"Do you even want to be with him?" Liam finds himself asking, looking at Harry expectantly as the younger boy thinks about his answer. 

"I want to be with the old him, the one that loved me unconditionally and made me feel like I was his world... I don't want to be with the one who broke my heart, tearing it into little pieces and pretending like it was all just for show... I don't want to be with the one who almost convinced me I  mattered to him again... I want to be with the old Niall who didn't have a care in the world... When it was just him and me... But I don't think I'll ever get him back." Harry whispers, looking down at his hands as he speaks. 

"People change." 

"I know." 

"Then you should accept the fact that he isn't the same Niall he was two years ago. I know I'm not the best with advice, especially where relationships are concerned... but if you keep expecting him to be the same Niall he was when you first got together then you're doing it wrong. You changed too Harry, he still wants you though. He wants you for who you are today, not who you were yesterday... So why can't you do the same for him?"


such sad chapters

i cry

oh well




connie xx 

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