Anyone who's ever spoken to me can tell i have a major anxiety issue, hell I spoke to a psychiatrist once and was diagnosed with major anxiety and depression disorders, not to mention the hallucinations, so apparently it's an obvious thing, anyway I live with my sister and that means I'm pulled along with her on all her trips so before we take the kids to spend spring break with their ginny we stop by Walmart for usual trip supplies and my anxiety decides that this is the perfect time to surface, I of course am freaking the fuck out, it seemed everyone was staring at me, I know this sounds idiotic coming from a girl with a Mohawk, gauges, punkish clothes and dog collars, but to be honest sometimes it only takes one person glancing at me to make my mind flip out, luckily though I was already talking to the best person ever whom shall remain nameless because if she reads this I'm pretty sure she'd wanna punch me already(please don't cutiepop) and she managed to calm me down because she's awesome, and I'm not entirely sure what the original message of this story was but let's try this ; I have a shitty disorder that makes me constantly feel like I should apologise for my existence, cutiepop is an amazing person, be very nice to people with this or any other disorder because sometimes you can see it but very often you can't tell what someone is going through and it hurts like hell when someone belittles your problems, we do that enough ourselves, we feel like burdens already, please don't make it worse, alwrighty I think that works.