Is this what we are doomed to?
A life of pill after pill prescribed by supposed great doctors of the mind?
a life of trying to drown the depression and panic with anything in this wretched life we can find?
a life of hiding and hating ourselves?
A life of starving and purging ourselves?
A life of bracelets on slit wrists and makeup on thighs hoping to god that no one sees what we're trying to hide?
A life of praying we don't get called on in class, spoken to or even looked at?
A life of wondering what's wrong with us and then giving ourselves a list?
A life of being exhausted because our minds never rest?
A life of being told it's all in our heads?
Are we doomed to a life of ineffable pain til we meet our end?
A life of hearing "you're just following the trend"?
A life on the edge, a pill, a rope, a razor, a trigger, a jump, could be our end