Best friends - Edited

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(For any new readers here I'm re-editing this story and also adding to it as I go so I hope you like it. Try to be kind I'm dyslexic and I kinda hate re-reading my own things so... ENJOY!! Love you!!<3333)

It was the first day of preschool. Y/N just moved to the Outer Banks so she had no friends. "I don't wanna go," you told your dad pouting in the back seat of the car. "Come on sweetie we talked about this, you're going to have a great day and make a lot of new friends." Your dad told you. You didn't reply so you just sat in silence for the rest of the way. "Bye sweetie I love you!" "Love you too dada!" You waved him goodbye as you walked into the building. 

       You walked into the classroom not knowing where to go. So you found an empty seat away from all the other kids. "Good morning class it's nice to meet you all! I will be your teacher Ms. Lisa!" A woman with dark hair said. "Before we start class I want to get to know everyone! So I will point to someone and you will say your name and something about yourself." Being four all the kids shouted, "PICK ME!" "NO, ME!!" "PICK MEEEEEEEE" You just put your head down not wanting to be noticed. But with your luck, the teacher picked on you. "Hello? Girl with the H/C hair please say your name and something about yourself. You just stared at her. "Umm... Hi, my name is Y/N and I like to surf." You told her not to make eye contact. "Okay! Great surfing is always fun!" She tried sounding nice but you could tell she didn't care. Ms. Lisa started calling on other kids but you didn't care what they said. 

You felt like someone was watching you so you looked around the classroom. Then you saw someone staring at you. A boy with a mess of brown hair and honey-colored eyes. You quickly looked away. He then got up and moved towards you, and sat down next to you. "Hi!" He said looking at you. "Hello?" "I'm John Booker Routledge, but my friends call me John B." "I'm Y/N L/N" You look at him everywhere but his eyes. "So you like to surf?" He asked scooting closer to you."Yeah," You could see his eyes sparkle. "I do too!! You know what that means?" John B says practically jumping out of his seat. "N-" He didn't give you time to answer. "That means we're best friends now!" He smiled up at you. Since you were at the ripe age of four it made you agree with him so that was the day you met your best friend. John Booker Routledge.

You two spent every second of every day with each other. You two were partners in crime. Everyone knew if one was around the other was not too far away. As time went by you and John B just got even closer. One day in 3rd grade John B met a new friend. "Y/N this is JJ!" John B told you. "Sup" JJ reached out his hand for you to shake it but you refused. 'What if John B stopped hanging out with me to hang out with JJ?'  You thought. You decided to push past those thoughts and shake his hand. 

So the duo became a trio. Every weekend You, JJ, and John B would go surfing. Almost every night you had sleepovers. You loved them so much. The love you had for John B was like a love you would have for your brother, but the love for JJ you could never quite put into words. 

Time passed and you guys only got closer especially you and JJ. JJ was always more open to you than to John B. JJ told you everything, and you told JJ everything. JJ told you that his home life wasn't so great. You felt sorry when you heard the stories of his abusive father. You had the brilliant idea at 11 to let JJ spend nights at your house. "Ya'know JJ, you could always stay at my house whenever right?" JJ just looked at you. He didn't know if you were being serious or not. "No it's fine I don't want to bother you or your dad" He looked down at his hands. "No no, it's all good you're like the son my dads never had." You gave him a soft smile wanting him to accept your offer. "Wait for real, can I stay whenever?" He looked up at you and smiled the brightest smile. "Yeah, it's okay with both me and my dad." From that day on JJ spent almost every night at your house but occasionally went to his house.

BestFriends  -  JJ Maybank x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now