The Talk - Edited

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       "DAD I'M HOME!" You yell as you look around the house for your dad. "IN THE KITCHEN!" He called back. You take your time walking into the kitchen just because you're lazy. "Take a seat I have some BIG news for you!!" Your dad said excitedly. You take a seat at your sad worn down table in the kitchen. You look at your dad and his eyes look like they're going to pop out of his face. "So what is it?" You say looking up at him. "I got a promotion at work today!" He half shouted at you. "Oh my god, dad that's awesome!" The smile you show nowhere matches the one on his face but his smile doesn't last long. "Honey..." He looked at you and the excited look leaves him. "Yes, daddy?"  "Well with this promotion we can move off The Cut and live on Figure 8..." He looked everywhere but at you. You were speechless. 

       A week later your house was all packed thanks to the movers. You did a double-check to make sure you didn't leave anything because you knew once you left there was no coming back. When you walk out of the house you saw JJ and John B waiting to say goodbye. John B has tears in his eyes and JJ wouldn't look at you. "Guys-" You were cut off by John B running up and hugging you, not wanting to say goodbye to his best friend. "Y/N I-" "I know John B it's okay I'll never forget you don't forget me okay?" You say and you feel your own eyes start to swell. "I won't." He promised. You both stuck out pinkies and grabbed each other. "JJ?" You say looking at him. He didn't say anything. "JJ please say something.." You try to keep your voice steady but it cracked at the end.  "JJ.. come on bro say goodbye to her." John B tried to convince him. He saw you wipe some tears off your face with the back of your head. He couldn't stand it any longer. JJ stood up and ran over to you and wrapped his arms around you. You tried your best not to sob, but some tears fell out instead. JJ pulled away looking deep into your eyes. He wiped some of your tears with the pad of his thumb. "JJ I'm going to mis-" You try to say before he cuts you off. "Here Y/N I got you something.." JJ says holding out his hand. "JJ you didn't have to." He handed you a little box. You slowly opened it and gasped as you saw the most beautiful necklace in the world. It was a heart-shaped locket with a photo of you, JJ, and John B. "JJ I love it so much thank you!" You looked at him and pulled him into any other hug. "Um... Can you put it on for me?" You asked him handing him the locket. He took it into his hands as you turned around and moved your H/C hair out of the way. After he put it on, you look up at your two best friends for what feels like the last time but you know it won't be. "Bye guys I love you so much!" I call out to them slowly walking away."Love you too Y/N" "Bye Y/N". The boys waved you goodbye as you got into the passenger seat of the moving van. 

       As the days passed you always thought about JB and JJ. There was never a day you didn't think about them. You wonder if they still thought about you. The days turned into weeks which turned into months which lead to years. Almost four years later you were walking to the Kook private school. You hated the Kooks. Why? Because Kooks are nothing but stuck-up pricks that have everything given on a silver platter. They only talked about their money and parties. But you wanted to talk about surfing or fishing nothing a kook would be interested in. The Kooks at school never liked you and you didn't like them so it was nice having your space away from them, sometimes. 

       Later when you were walking home you took the long way through The Cut. You took off your shoes and walked along the beach. You saw a group of 4 friends around your age surfing in the beautiful clear-ish blue ocean water. They looked so happy laughing together, you wish you had that. You turned away from the group and kept walking. Even though you moved to Figure 8 you were still a pogue at heart. You mindlessly grabbed the necklace that was around your neck and started playing with it not realizing you were doing so. Once you got home you walked upstairs into your room and just plopped on your bed. You shut your eyes picturing what it would be like to have friends like the 4 pogues you saw today. Friends that wanted to do the same things as you. That like the same things as you and wouldn't judge you for being you. You let out a big sigh you didn't know you were holding in when you heard a knock. "Can I come in?" It was your dad ever since the move you never really talked to your dad a lot he was always working or at some Kook event. "Yea.." Your door opens with a screech. "We're going out for dinner tonight with some of my coworkers and I want you to be presentable," he says not even looking up from his phone. He leaves the room shutting your door. You look in your closet and pulled out this outfit.

 You look in your closet and pulled out this outfit

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(The arrow is pointing to 'the locket'😉)

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