The Jail Cell - Edited

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       After you got dressed you walked downstairs to meet your dad outside where he was waiting for you in the car. 

       Once you got to the restaurant you and your father took a seat at a booth. Soon your dad's co-workers came and seat all around the booth. It was quite crowded so you got up from the booth. "Hey, dad I'm going to get some fresh air." You told him but he didn't care so you just walked out. As you walked on the beach just enjoying the beautiful night sky you heard footsteps coming from behind you. "Hey Y/N" It was Rafe. Your least favorite person on the island. "What do you want Rafe?" You turned away from the beautiful view to glare at him. "I was going to ask if you wanted to come to midsummer's with me". Oh shit, you forgot about midsummer. "Ummm... I think I'll just go by myself, thanks." You said picking up the pace you wanted to be as far away from Rafe as possible. He caught up with you and put his arm around your waist pulling you in closer to him. "Come on Y/N, It will be amazing." He said giving you his signature smirk. "Rafe please let go" You pleaded as you tried to pull away from him but it was no use. "Let me just take you to my place we can have some fun there". He said grabbing you and practically dragging you to his car. Rafe was about to throw you into his car when you punched him in the face. He looked shocked. "YOU BITCH!" Rafe yelled trying to grab at you but you ran away. You ran as fast as you could and faster than you ever have. You don't know where you running but when you see he's not following you, you slow down into a walk. In the distance, you hear sirens coming for you. "Fuck!" You yelled under your breath. The police car was on your tail. One pulled up in front of you and one behind you blocking anyway out. "Y/N L/N you are under arrest for physical assault! You have the right to remain silent." An officer walked up behind you and put handcuffs on you.

       When you got to the station a different officer came and walked you to where your cell would be. He pushed you into it and took off the cuffs. You rubbed at your wrist because the cuffs were on too tight. You started looking around the cell. There wasn't anything other than gray cement walls with some carvings in them. Then something caught your eye. In the corner, there was a boy about your age with messy blonde hair, and the most beautiful blue eyes you've ever seen. When the both of you made eye contact he was quick to look away. "What you in here for?" You asked walking up to him and sitting next to him. "Sunk a Kooks boat." The blonde responded still not meeting your eyes. "Dude that's, sick" You laughed and stuck out your fist to him. He looked at you and fist-bummed you back. "Aren't you a Kook? You sure aren't dressed like a pogue." The boy said looking you up and down then stop when he saw the locket. "I was born a pogue then moved and now I guess I'm a Kook but I hate all this Kook shit with their parties and their money. Blah. Their just the worst." You told him and you notice him looking at your necklace. You didn't remember you were wearing it you've never taken it off so it was always there so you sometimes forgot about it. "Where did you get that?" The blonde asked very seriously. "Oh um... I've had it for so long I can barely remember." You slightly giggled to yourself. "Can I see it?" He asked not taking his eyes off it. "Uhhhh... Okay?" You weren't sure what was so special about this necklace other than that you have been wearing it since you were 13. You took off the locket and handed it to the boy. "What did you say your name was?" You asked him. "JJ, JJ Maybank."

       The room fell silent. This was the boy you shared your first kiss with, the boy who knew all your secrets, the boy who you knew so well. The memories you had with JJ Maybank started to flood back into your brain.

It's okay Y/N I'm here everything is alright

Don't be scared I'm here for you

Wanna go surfing?

My house tonight at 6 pm, bring snacks

Here Y/N I got you something..

       That was it JJ got you the necklace. "Hello?" The blonde waved his hand into your face breaking you out of your trance. You looked up and JJ, making eye contact. You stared into those ocean eyes that you knew so well, you spent almost every day as a kid with those eyes. "Ummm..? Are you okay?" He asked. "JJ." You said under your breath. "Yeah, that's my name?" He looked at you, confusion written all over his face. "JJ!" You said with more confidence. You jumped up and stood in front of him. Your faces were inches apart. "You're being weird what's going on?" He said backing away from you. "JJ it's me!" "I'm sorry I don't know who me is," He said laughing at his own joke. "JJ It's Me Y/N!" 

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