Re-United - Edited

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The whole way to the mysterious place Kie was taking you, you just talked about the royal merchant and other random things. "Hey Kie?" You looked at her. "Yeah, what's up?" She slightly tilted her head so you knew she was listening. "What's your love life like?" You said giggling like a five-year-old. "Oh well, I think I kinda like one of my friends but I don't know..." She trails off putting her whole focus on the road. "What's his name?" You were almost too scared to ask. "Oh look we're almost there!" Kie said with an awkward laugh trying to change the subject. You look out your window to see and worn-down but familiar house lit up by the headlights of the van. You swore you'd been to this house before but it was too dark to be sure. 

"We're here, let's go," Kie said pulling out the car keys. You followed her to the back of the house where there was a small fire going. You saw the shadows of 3 people. "Hey guys I brought someone with me I hope it's okay!" The 3 people turned around and the light from the fire revealed their faces. "Hi, Pope! It's nice good to see you again" You smiled at him. "Y/N! It's nice to see you too!" Pope smiled back at you.  Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the other boys glace at each other. One boy with long-ish brunette hair stands up and walks over to you. "Hi I'm Y/N, it's very nice to meet you!" You put out your hand for the millionth time today. "Y/N.." The brunette breathed out, before wrapping his arms around you.

Then the realization hit you. "John B?" You whispered trying to hold in your tears. "Yes! Yes, it's me!" John B said pulling away from the hug to examine your face. "Is it really you Y/N?" He said looking over your practically new face. "It's really me JB!" Your words almost came out as a sob. "It's been 4 years! I- I can't believe it!" He said embracing you again. "I thought about you almost every day!" He says looking at you one more time. "I know, I know. I never forgot you!" You felt like you'd never smiled so big before. You hugged John B tighter as if he would fall through your fingers. "N-neither did JJ.." John B trails off wiping the tears off his face. "Oh shit! JJ!" John B yelled unwrapping his arms from you. You look up to see a tall blonde boy moving towards you. Other than the cuts and burses scattered around his face he looked the exact same as when you saw him at the police station. "JJ! I can't believe it's you! I saw you at th-" You were cut off by him snaking his arms around your waist. No one said a word. All that was heard was mother nature, the small crackles from the fire, and the quiet sniffles coming from JJ. John B walked over and wrapped his arms around both you and JJ.

"Did we miss something?" Pope asked looking at the group hug. "Yeah... I'm super confused. You guys know her?" Kie questioned. John B laughed and pulled away from you and JJ. JJ kept his arms around you. "Y/N I'm so sorry. I saw you the other day and I didn't know what to think or do I just couldn't believe it was you!" JJ said letting out a sigh. "It's okay J! I'm here now! The gangs back!"  

     Later John B and JJ caught you up on everything you've missed including the Royal Merchant and John B's dad. You felt so sorry for him that you knew how much he loved his dad. After that, you told Kie and Pope everything about your friendship with the two boys. 

"You guys should be thanking me," Kie told everyone. "And why is that?" John B asked looking at her with a little smirk. "I was the one that brought Y/N here in the first place!" She said almost like it was completely obvious. "That is very true," Pope said siding with Kie "Yeah I guess so." John B said laughing. "Thanks, Kie," You said walking over to her and placing my arm around her shoulder.

(A/N: So like most of the story was in 2nd person but now I think ima write some in y/n's pov)

---Y/N POV---

"A TOAST! TO Y/N!" JJ said holding his beer to the sky. "TO Y/N!" The others said in unison taking a sip of their drinks. "TO ME!!" I said giggling taking a sip of my beer. After a while, John B told everyone about his plan to get the map from Sarah Cameron. Kie was freaking out and I tried to calm her but it was no use. Soon John B left to get the map from Sarah. Everyone else stayed in the van. "So Y/N how has life been since 4 years?" JJ asked scooting closer to me. "Oh, just same old same old." You can't stop looking into those beautiful eyes of his. "You're not seeing anyone? Like you don't have a boyfriend?" I could see the anticipation in his eyes. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Help somebody please!" 

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked everyone. "No?" "Nope." "Naw just you." Everyone replied not caring about what you heard. "I swear I heard something.." I say looking outside the van.


       Without a second thought, I jumped out of the van running out in the pouring rain. "Help! Please..!" As I'm running I hear crying and sobbing. "JOHN B!" I screamed, running over to John B who was unconscious in Sarah's arms on the ground. "What the hell happened?" Kie said from behind me. "T-topper p-p-pushed him," Sarah said between sobs. "POPE! Call for help!" I yelled over the crashing thunder and lightning. JJ came rushing over to my side helping me hoist John B to the van. As we drove to the hospital it was completely silent other than the sobs coming from Sarah and the storm outside. 

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