Middle School - Edited

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       You were now in middle school and your friendship with John B and JJ never changed. It was time for your least favorite class of the day. P.E. Middle school P.E. always sucked but at least you could hang out with your friends. It was mile Monday so you, JJ, and John B were just running around the track. "Come on guys I wanna beat my time from last week" John B yelled behind him. "Ugh JB This sucks 1. Because it's hot 2. I hate running and 3. I'm a girl and running sucks when you're a girl... "Yeah come on man cut her some slack," JJ said running beside you. You give him a cheeky grin and started running when you saw the coach looking at you. "LET'S GO L/N KEEP RUNNING OR YOU ARE GOING TO RUN 2 MILES!" The coach yelled. "OKAY! OKAY! I'M GOING!!" You yelled back. When you saw the coach wasn't looking you started to slow your pace. When you did some boys that were behind you caught up. "Yea let's go Y/N keep running I like the view," The tallest of the boys said earning laughs from his friends. It took everything you had not to punch them right in the face. One of the other boys high-fived the tall one. JJ saw the boys then you clench your fist. He ran up and handed you his hoodie he had tied around his waist. "Here put this on," He says handing it to you. "Dude are you crazy it's like 90 degrees out" you cracked a brow at JJ. "I don't care just put it on" He insisted more. "Whatever," you said putting it on. After P.E. you and JJ say bye to John B and you and JJ walk to science. On the way there you and JJ just talked about random stuff the whole way. When you got to the science room you took your seat and JJ took his. "Good afternoon class," The teacher said sitting down at her desk "Good afternoon Mrs. Menzi," All the class said in unison. "Today will be a great day in the name of science!". You weren't paying any attention to what Mrs. Menzi was saying but your ears perked up when you heard her say "Before we start, You can partner up in pairs of 2." Your eyes darted to JJ who was on the other side of the class. His eyes however weren't on you, they were on a very pretty girl with dark brown hair. You felt this pang in your chest. You were hurt.  'He's my best friend and I'm his. Why wouldn't he pair with me?' you thought. 

       Your brain was overcome with thoughts until you heard someone clear their throat behind you. "Excuse me? Would you like to be my partner?" A boy with shaggy black hair asked. You looked around making sure one more time JJ wasn't going to come over here and ask you to be his partner. He didn't. "Yea, sure" "Okay I'm Max" "I'm Y/N". Max smiled at you so you smiled back. Max wasn't bad looking other than his messy head of hair. He was tall, had beautiful green eyes and by the looks of it, he worked out. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see JJ glaring at you. Max was super nice and had a good sense of humor. The bell rang signaling it was time for the next period. You started putting your stuff in your backpack when JJ starts walking over to you but stops when he sees you talking to Max. "So can I get your number?" Max asked. "Hey buddy she's not interested," JJ said walking behind you and placing his arm around your shoulder. Max rolled his eyes and walked away. "What the hell JJ!" "I'm sorry? Were you into that guy?" "Maybe? I don't know," You said and started walking out of the classroom. 

       Later that day the trio did the usual and went surfing. The waves we perfect! John B,  You and JJ took turns catching waves, until each of your roads your last wave all the way to shore. "That was fun!"John B said enthusiastically. "Yeah even though we go surfing like every day." You laughed at the boys. "Yea," JJ said laying down on the sand. "But I can't tell who's the better surfer Y/N or JJ.." John B added making JJ sit up and look at you. "You have to be tripping if you think she's better than me bro!" "Yea JB you know I'm way better than this dumbass," You said sticking out your tongue at JJ. 

       Once you guys got back to John B's house your phone buzzed. You opened it to see it was from your dad. "Hey, guys my dad wants me home so I'll see y'all tomorrow at school. You told the boys to grab your stuff. "Bye Y/N!!" The boys yelled as you shut the door. Your house wasn't that far away from John B's so you always walked back to your house. As you were walking you could feel someone watching you but you just brushed it off your shoulders and kept walking. "Hi Y/N!" A familiar voice said from behind you. "Oh, Max what's up?" You gave him a small smile but continued walking. "Nothing I just saw you walking alone so I decided I would walk with you." He said matching your pace."Umm.. okay." "So where are you walking too" He said looking at you while walking. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know.." You said smirking at him. "I'm just walking home I just came back from surfing with John B and JJ." I kept my eyes forward just trying to get home but the questions kept coming. "Oh cool, so I was wondering if I could still get your number? 'cause last time I tried asking JJ kinda..." Max trailed off. "Yeah sorry about him my number is 123-456-7890." After you gave him your number your house was within eye view so you bade your goodbyes to Max. "Bye Y/N! I'll call you later okay?" "M'kay see you around." You said as you continued walking to your porch

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