Midsummer - Edited

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       Your dad came and paid for your restitution. You tried to explain why you punch Rafe in the face but he didn't care. "Y/N you know better than to punch someone in the face!" He turned to you and screamed right in your face. "I know dad but he-" He cut you off by slapping you across the face. You were shocked. He's never physically hurt you before so you didn't understand what just happened. Your dad didn't apologize either he just looked back at the road. Your lips were met with you salty tears that were running down your face. Not because the slap hurt, no no because never in your whole life did you think your own father would do such a thing. Once you got home you ran to your room. You were about to lie on your bed but there was something in your way. It was the most beautiful dress you've ever seen, the dress would be paired with a red rose flower crown. You had to try it on. Immediately.

You looked in your body mirror and gasped at the girl staring back at you

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You looked in your body mirror and gasped at the girl staring back at you. Your beautiful H/C would be gorgeous with the shade of red. You couldn't help but spin a few times. As you watched the dress twirl around you, you giggled at yourself.  After you took off the dress you carefully laid it on one of your chairs. Soon you forgot about what happened in the car with your father. Those thoughts were replaced by what happened in the jail cell with JJ.

       "JJ Its Me Y/N!!" The excitement in your voice made it sound like you were shouting. JJ stood there not knowing how to respond. "You look way different than 4 years ago." You laughed trying to break the silence. You were so excited to see JJ after all those years. You wondered if JJ missed you. If over all those years he even thought about you once. What if he didn't remember you right now? What if you were a nobody to him? No. It can't be. We've been best friends since we were 8. I don't think he could forget me. Could he? Before either, you or JJ could say anything an officer cleared their throat bring you back to reality. "JJ Maybank. Your father's here." The officer announced causing JJ to walk towards the door to the cell. The officer opened the door and before the officer escorted JJ away he dropped the locket on the floor. JJ was led out and away from sight. You have left with your thoughts yet again. Before your brain could start concocting wild and crazy thoughts the same officer was back but was here for you.

       The next morning you woke up with the sunlight shining on your face. That night was midsummer. You've never been to a Midsummer party because every year it was held your dad took you to the Bahamas. But this year was different. You really didn't want to go but you weren't about to ask to stay home after he just paid over 25k for your bail.  Plus you wanted to wear your new dress.

       Once you put on the dress and did your hair and makeup you slipped the head crown on. You looked in the mirror and twirled. You started to giggle as you grew dizzy. A knock was heard outside your door which caused the twirling to stop. "Come in." You say turning to face whomever just came in. "Wow Honey you look amazing." Your dad says in awe. "Thanks, dad. Did you pick out the dress?" You say tugging on the red fabric. "Uhhh no. I have no sense of fashion let alone girls' fashion." You both laughed a little. "One of my co-workers did." He looked down. "Aw that was very nice of them can you tell them thank you for me?" Still smiling you do another twirl for your dad. "Maybe you could tell them yourself?" As the words came out of his mouth and the doorbell rang. "Oh, I'll get that!" Your father said moving away from you and walking out your door. You took one last look at yourself and walked out of your room closing the door behind you. As you walked downstairs so saw your dad talking to someone outside. You opened the front door and saw a pretty lady with red hair next to your father. "Oh Y/N this is Ms.Brown." He says gesturing to the lovely lady. "Hi Y/N you can call me Gwen I've heard so much about you! Wow, can I just say you look beautiful! The red really compliments your E/C eyes." Gwen said moving closer to your dad. "Thank you! You look just as pretty!" You returned the compliment. "Y/N, Gwen is going to come with us to Midsummer!" Your dad told you. You saw Gwen grab your father's arm and hold his hand. Then it clicked. "Wait are y'all dating?" You weren't mad...Maybe a little bit, why wouldn't your own blood tell you he was dating someone??

       When you got to where the Midsummer party was being held you saw all the Kooks with their fancy cars and outfits, it made you wanna gag. Your dad leads the way into the party with Gwen right next to him. You slowly walked behind them not wanting to be seen. "Hey Y/N?" Ms.Brown taps you on the shoulder. "Yes, Ms. Brown?" You turn back to look at her. "Sweetie I told you to call me Gwen." She let out a laugh but instead, it sounded like a sigh. "Sorry." You look to the floor not knowing what else to say. "No, you're okay I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to meet one of my friends. She has a daughter about your age." She actually was nice to think of me. "Yea sure.". You weren't excited. You knew most likely the girl was a Kook that was stuck up her own ass but it wouldn't hurt to meet someone tonight and not be alone like a weirdo. Gwen grabbed your hand and lead you through the crowd. 

       Once Gwen had stopped she let off you and she moved towards a woman with wavy brown hair. "Y/N this is Mrs. Carrera." "Nice to meet you, ma'am." You said using your best manners. "Wow, Gwen you got lucky she uses her manners! Mine doesn't even come home for dinner anymore." Mrs. Carrera and Gwen laughed for a while until  Gwen spoke up. "Is Kiara around? I was hoping she and Y/N would become friends." Gwen says looking into the crowd. "Oh, I would love for the two of them to be friends maybe she could teach her some manners." Mrs. Carrera said smiling at you. Soon a girl with the same brown wavy hair as Mrs. Carrera came over and stood next to her mom. "Kiara you've met Ms.Brown right?" Mrs. Carrera asked her daughter. "Several times, yes." The girl replied. "Well, she has someone she wants you to meet." Mrs. Carrera said gesturing to you. "Hi I'm Kiara but I go by Kie." She said sticking out her hand to you. You grabbed her hand shaking it. "Im Y/N." You both smiled at each other. "Well you two girls run along," Gwen said shooing you away. 

       "Sooo..." You said trying to break the silence. "What side are you on?" Kie ask. "Huh?" You say confused. "Kook or Pouge." She said dead eyeing you. "Born a pogue then moved to Figure 8, so I guess I'm a Kook but my heart will always be a pouge. How 'bout you? You don't really seem like other Kook girls I've met before...". Before you could do anything else Kie grabbed you and dragged you through people and tables, she stopped when you were at some sort of bar. "Heyyyy Popppeee how you doing broooo?" Kie asked a boy that was behind the bar. "Y'know just serving Kooks left and right." The boy called Pope replied. "Who's your new friend Kie?" Pope asked when he saw you. "Oh uh this is Y/N. We just met long story, not really but I'm too lazy to explain." She says smiling at the boy. "Oh well Hi Y/N it's nice to meet you I'm Pope." He told you sticking out his hand. You shook his hand and you both smiled. "Hey have you heard from JJ?" Kie asked Pope. Your ears perked up at the name but JJ was a pretty common name so you just brushed it off you tuned out the conversation Kie and Pope were having until you heard your name. "Y/N?" Kie asked. "Oh sorry I'm not really feeling this Kook shit right now." You said causing both Pope and Kie to laugh and you just giggled slightly. "I asked if you wanna dance for a bit." Kie looked at you."Oh I'm down for that but I have to warn you I have maddd dancing skills." You said the last part sarcastically. Kie chuckled and lead you to the dance floor. 

       After a while the sun completely set. "Hey, I have to use the lady's room BRB." Kie said walking away from you. "Oh, I have to go too." You said laughing a little. Once you both were finished you were washing your hands when there was a big crashing sound. You brushed it off but Kie ran out of the bathroom. You quickly dried your hands and walked out of the bathroom to see Kie talking to a boy with blonde hair. "Give me the keys I'll meet you back at his house got it?" You weren't trying to eavesdrop but you heard Kie's conversation with the boy. "Got it see you there." The boy said and he tossed Kie some keys. Kie turned around to see you. "Oh Y/N!" "Hey..?" "Wanna ditch this popsicle stand?" She said smirking. "Hell Ya!" You said causing you both to start laughing. "Okay follow meeeeee!" She said running through the crowds of people. Kie stopped running and you notice you were in the parking lot. "So where we headed?" You asked Kie. "A friend's house." She responded as she unlocked the door to a van. "Hop in," She said getting into the driver's seat.

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