The merger

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Aprils POV

Today is the day that we go to Seatle grace and I am so exited, its going to be the best day ever, me and my friends were walking in to the hospital when we saw some other residents staring at us and not inn a good way, I could already tell that they were gonna hate us.

I was doing rounds when I bumped into someone "oh I am so sorry" I said picking up my note book, "watch where your going" she said walking away, I just frowned and walked off to write n my notebook when I got told I was on Dr Shepard's service "ok ill be there right away" i said with a smile on my face

"Dr Shepard" i said walking in to the room "oh hello, Dr Kepner this is Dr grey" he said introducing me to the other doctor and then I realised it was the doctor that I bumped in to earlier "oh Dr grey hello" i said "you two know eachother?" "you could say that" Lexie said 

"i guess were gonna be working together then" i said smiling at Lexie " yeah guess so" she said annoyingly, Dr Shepard had gotten us to look at cts and decide how to help the patient lexie had a good idea but then i suggested another one that Dr Shepard seemed to like better and lexie just gave me a dirty look, i mean i did feel bad but my idea was better.

the patient turned out to be a criminal which was kina scary but he was still a patient and i was still a doctor, i was about to go to an on call room to write in my note book when i realised it was gone, i thought i must have left it at home but i definitely had it earlier, i decided to go see if lexie had seen it "hey have you seen my notebook, small red, i had it earlier" "nope" i sighed an left where the hell was it.

Lexies POV

I was sitting in my patents room when April came in to see if I knew where her notebook was, i had no idea "nope" i said and she just walked off when the criminal patient pulled out something red from under his pillow, it was Aprils notebook " what the ell are you doing with that" i said grabbing it from his hand's "what you said she was pissing you off and plus you should read the things in that, there hilarious" he said laughing "give me that" i said grabbing the notebook from his hands  'i am the future of medicine' i read laughing 'no one can tell its plastic surgery' "yeah i saw that one two i was thinking the nose but it could be the boobs" he said smirking "this is mean, we shouldn't be doing this " i said storming out of the room.

I was going to give her her notebook back but she just kept pissing me off so i did something else, as we were about to scrub in i said something to Dr shepard infront of april "yeah Dr kepner shes not just a good doctor shes a great doctor, i mean if you ast me shes the future of medicine" she started to realise "only you can keep yourself right, right" an upset look appeared on her face and i said one more thing "and btw i can tell" i said pointing to my nose,

Aprils POV

Lexie said all those things to me and my heart just shattered, she was so horrible, "Dr Shepard i just need uhm a moment" i ran off and brokedown in a supply closet, why would she do this i said to myself balling, I just sat there with my head between my knees until someone came in.

Jackson's POV

today was my first day and i was on Dr Sloan's service he's a plastic surgeon and I thought i was a more trauma nuero type guy but after i saw what he does i might just consider plastic, my day was going good apart from the other residents, they just kept staring at me and my friends, I was walking down the hallway to go observe a surgery when i heard someone weeping from inside a supply closed I slowly opened the door and saw a red head with her face between her knees "april?" i said she looked up and a look of embarresment took over her face, she wiped her tears and stood up " oh hi sorry i was just go-" i cut her off "hey no tell me what wrong i said sitting down next to her "its nothing really, just a hard day" "come on ive had a hard day and im not crying in a supply closet whats really wrong" i said looking at her and she broke down crying again, i pulled her head closer to my chest and hugged her "hey its ok" "shh" i hugged her for i have no idea how long when she finally stopped crying and went off to a surgery " uh thank you" she said with a soft smile on her face, i just smiled back and she walked off.

Aprils POV

I left the left the closet and jackson smiled at me and i got butterflies in my stomach i have no idea why i was feeling like this now i mean i have worked for him for years and never felt this before, 

I walked in to the or and Lexie looked at me with a look of regret, i could kind of understand what she did i mean i was being kind of annoying all day so after the surgery i pulled her aside and appolagised "hey im sorry" i said "for what i should be the one appolagising" she said in confusion "no i should i was being annoying all day so for that im sorry" we both smiled and walked out of the scrub room,

i was about to leave the hospital when i saw jackson he waved me over and asked if i wanted to come get drinks with him and the others, "yeah sure why not" i said as we all walked out across to joes, when we got there we all sat down and i sat next to reed "hey another one for her" she said laughung "what no" oh come on its not like you have work tomorrow and besides you never do anything crazy" she said laughing "you know what fine, SENDOVER A LINE OF SHOTS OF VODKA" i said smiling at reed and then i blacked out,

(in the morning)

i woke up in a bed naked and it wasn't my bed shit did i just lose my virginity i said to myself i looked across and saw jackson " oh my god" i whispered, i slowly stepped out of the bed and put my clothes back on, i stepped out of the room to see meredith alex and Lexie in the kitchen what the hell why does jackson live with them "uhhh hi guys jackson let me crash i couldnt drive back to my house " the laughed and looked at eachother "dont lie kepner we heard you last night" my face went red and i sat down "im a virgin" i blurted out "well i was" they all just laughed behind me "ughhh" i said lying down on the couch and thats when jackson walked in "hey guys whats up, do you know who i took home last night theres some chicks panties on my bed" 

Everyone laughed and looked at me "what whats going on" jackson said



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