Its to late

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(Aprils POV)

I was lying in my bed when my pager went off "you have to be kidding me I just got to sleep", i walked out the doors stumbling and i almost fell when Jackson caught me "you get paged to" he said letting go of me "yeah, wanna drive with me" "sure why not" he smiled 

when we got there the ER was swamped "what the hell happened" i shouted as i put on a trauma gown "a train flew off the tracks at a train station and hit a bunch of civilians Dr hunt said "well then what have we got" "ok kepner 30 year old male blunt trauma to the heart and brain" "GOT IT" i screamed running to the ambulance.

a few hours later the whole ER was empty "wow we really finished" i said "yeah i cant believe it" Jackson said walking up next to me "i cnt wait to get back into bed, and since the ER is empty im leaving" i said with a smile on my face "wait for me "Jackson said, i turned around with a confused look on my face "i drove with you remember" "oh yeah" i said rubbing my eyes "ok i am driving you are way to tired to drive" he said to me grabbing the keys from my hand "yeah ok"

(Jacksons POV)

we were driving home when i asked april if she had anything cool today but she didn't answer "April?" i said turning my head to her and she was sleeping, i laughed and kept driving.

a few minutes later Aprils phone got a notification i ignored it but then it kept going so i checked who it was and it was from some guy named Mathew he was saying how much she missed her and all these thoughts were going through my head 'was she dating him' 'ive lost my shot' dam what was i doing april was my best friend i shouldn't be thinking about her like this.

it was just 10 minutes later when we got home and i didn't want to wake her up so i picked her up and walked inside with her "hey" mer said as i walked in the door "why are you holding her" she said laughing "i didnt want to wake her she's been on call all week" "ok then" she said walking off, i walked to her room and put her in the bed.

the next morning she woke up and said she was going out on a date and my mood changed "is it with Mathew" i said "yeah how did you know" "i saw your phone the other night" "well ill be at the cafe down the street see ya"

(A few months later)

It was a normal day at the hospital when April came and told us that her and Mathew were hosting a dinner at there new house, April moved out a few weeks ago and her and Mathew were doing good which didn't make me quite happier but i think ive moved on so i was gonna go.

i was on my way to Aprils for the dinner with Mer and Alex, when we got there we knocked and heard Mathew shout "APRILGET THE DOOR WILL YOU" "yeah just a minute Mathew" "HURRY UP" "ok ok im going calm down" she opened the door and greeted her "hey is everything ok" i asked "yeah im just finishing up dinner come in", we all went in and sat down at the table "Mathew everyone is here now and dinners ready come eat" "coming" April looked a bit off but i just ignored it "hey guys" "hey nice to meet you" mer said "so you guys are friends of Aprils" "yeah" i said "i dont know how you put up with her she can be a bit annoying" Mathew said laughing, i looked at april and the smile on her face was gone "April go get everyone drinks", she stood up and went to go get everyone drinks and i went to go help "hey you ok" i asked "yeah why wouldnt i be" "no reason just asking, you know you can always talk to me right" "yeah" she said walking off with the wine.

(Aprils POV)

the dinner was over and i felt terrible mathew just kept making a fool out of me and everyone laughed except Jackson, "hey Mathew can we talk" "why what is it now" "i- i just- today at dinner you were being rude to me, ignoring me, saying bad things about me it was not nice" "ahaha your joking right" i shook my head "I WAS JUST TELLING THE TRUTH" he screamed at me and backed me up and  pushed my wrists on the wall "i -im sorry you just hurt my feelings" "I DONT FUCKING CARE" he punched me and pushed me to the ground and walked off, i cried once he had left the room but i was to sore to move.

a few hours later once Mathew was asleep i got up and left the house as quite as possible, i could only think of one place to go and it was jacksons but he lived with allot of people so i called him "Jackson" i sobbed "what whats wrong" "can you please pick me up at the gas station next to my house" "im coming right now"

(Jacksons POV)

i drove so fast i dont even think i stopped at any red lights, when i got there i saw april sitting on a bench, i walked up to her and when she turned around i saw her face was bruised and had blood all over it, her wrists had hand print grip marks around them and she was sitting on one side of her leg which im assuming was because her other leg was hurt as well, i knew it was Mathew i knew something was off i should have done somethig, "Jackson can i please stay with you, something happened and i cant- i cant go back home" "its ok you dot need to say anything i know what happened lets go" "but what about mer alex and lexie" "its ok lexie is at the hospital and mer and alex are asleep" "ok thankyou" she started to sob on to my shoulder, i held her and stroked her air until she stopped crying and we left.

when we got home i helped April up to her old room and sat with her in the bed "alright lets get you cleaned up "thankyou,   Jackson" "im just glad your ok", after i cleaned her up i got her into bed and i was about to walk out the room when she called my name "yeah" "can you stay with me" "yeah yeah" i said as i sat down next to her "its ok your safe, your safe" i sat down next to her and ran my thingers through her hair "April, i think im in love with you"




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