love sick

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(Aprils POV)

"what are you all looking at" Jackson said laughing, I gave them all a look which said 'don't say anything' there was a moment of silence then Jackson said "what" "well-" Meredith was about to tell hm when Alex cut her off "she left this morning" I just smiled and looked at him, she gave me a small smile and left for work. "so April you need a place to stay?" Meredith asked me "actually I do" "well then feel free to take Izzie's old room" "thanks" I said walking to the room, once I heard the door slam shut I went back to the kitchen and saw Jackson "oh hey Jackson" I said awkwardly "hey what's up" he replied "nothing" I said quickly and ran to the bathroom and threw up "hey hey hey" he said running through he pulled my hair back and rubbed my back "you ok" "yeah just a hangover" I sat on the floor and leaned my head on the wall, I thought I was done throwing up but then...

(Jacksons POV)

she kept throwing up and I started to get worried "hey how about you get back in to bed and ill get you a bucket and some water, I think you might be sick" she nodded and I helped her up "come on you" i said helping her to her room, she slowly sat on the bed and i went to get her a bucket and some water, i was getting her stuff when i heard her shout my name "JACKSON" i ran through with the bucket and water and she threw up and i gave her the water, i sat down in the bed next to her and held her hair back "you don't need to stay" she said wiping her mouth "no i want to" i said giving her a soft smile "thank you" she said lying her head on the pillow i felt her head and realised it was hot "hey you have god a fever want me to get you some soup" she looked at me and nodded "ok then i will be right back oh and tie your hair back" i said handing her a hair tie 

i was in the living room when i heard the doorbell ring "that must be the soup" i said walking to the door, i payed and went to the room "your soup Dr kepner" she laughed and sat up "you should back off or you will get sick to" she said in a weak voice "if i get sick then i get sick were both doctors im sure we can handle it" i said getting in the bed, she started eating her soup and then she got up "where are you going" i said "just wait ill be right back" she left the room.

when she got back she had tissues a bowl and another spoon "whats this for" i said smiling "the bowl and the spoon for your soup and the tissues are for me were watching my girl she" said as she jumped back in to the bed, i laughed and turned on the tv as she pored some soup for me.


i was balling my eyes out when the movie was finished and Jackson pulled my head towards his chest and wiped my tears "im sorry for this" i said looking at him wiping my eyes " its fine" he said laughing we just looked into each others eyes and then i sat up "can we please turn this movie off i really dont want to cry anymore" i said laughing he laughed as well and grabbed the romote and turned it off "wanna put on something funny" he said looking at me "yes please" I smiled and reached for my bag "what are you doing" getting chocolate" he looked at me and laughed 

i got back in the bed and offered him some chocolate "sure" he sad and i handed him some "its the best isnt it" "what the hell this is so good where did you get it" he said eating the chocolate "a patient introduced me to it and ive been obsessed ever since" i giggled the comedy we had put on started to play.

(Jacksons POV)

we were watching a funny movie and April was laughing her head off it was adorable, the movie was about to end and i looked at april she had fell asleep on my chest and her cheeks were all pink and hot because of her fever, i lay down and stroked her hair until i fell asleep .

the next morning i heard her groaning "whats wrong" i looked her and she was holding her stomach "its so sore" she said as she started to cry i helped her stand up and asked her if she needs to go to the hospital "im sure ill be fi- aghhhhh, ok yeah lets go" i picked her up and took her outside and put her in the back of the car, when we got to the hospital i ran in with her in my arms "HEY I NEED DR GREY RIGHT NOW"

meredith showed up " what happened"  she said as she ran to us "i think her appendix is gonna burst she has had a fever and has  been throwing up uncontrollably" ok get her to an O.R straight away

(Aprils POV)

i woke up in the ICU to Jackson sitting on my bed side  "how long have you been here" i said in a weak voice "oh not long just all night" he said laughing "come here" i said gesturing to come over for a hug, he hugged me and i felt safe and warm and i just wanted to stay there forever "after this we are gettting drinks" i said and then giggled "im actuallay on call" he said "well then im going drinking" i said and laughed

(the next day)

i was out of the hospital but i didnt have to work so i went to joes, i was just drinking when a guy came and sat next to me "hey" he said in a weird voice i looked at him and noticed that he was way older than me maybe in his 60s i looked at him in discussed and tried to walk away when he grabbed my arm "hey where are you going thats not the way to my house" i tried harder to walk away but he just kept gripping "get the hell of of me"  i said but he gripped my wrist so tight it hurt so much i couldn't pull away anymore, he dragged me outside and i was trying so hard to not go, he let go to open his car door and i ran as fast as i could to the hospital, when i got there i just started to cry and then Jackson came up to me "hey are you ok what happened, he sat down next to me and tried to hug me but i pushed him off because he was on my arm "hey whats wrong" he said and pulled up my sleve and saw a hand shaped bruise "who the hell did this to you ill kill them are you ok" "Jackson calm down its ok" i explained what happened and he hugged me so tight.

"im so glad your ok" he said pulling away "yeah me to" i said and smiled "can you take me home" i said wiping the tears from my eyes "yeah come on my shift just ended anyway" he said putting his hand around my waist as we walked out the hospital doors.

(Jacksons POV)

we were walking home when i could see april was shivering, i took of my jacket and put it over her shoulders, she looked at me and smiled and i wrapped my arm around her and she moved her head on to my shoulder amd we just walked until we got home 'holy shit' 'i was in love with this girl' i looked at her for a few minutes until she caught me and smiled "what" she said laughing cutely "April i- nothing i just nothing" i said stuttering she smiled and tilted her head "ok then" she said laughing.


i didnt know how to end this chapter so i just went with this but i hope you like it also 


anyway have a nice day love you bye

I cant help but love you (a japril store)Where stories live. Discover now