all for you

105 3 0

(Aprils POV)

"April I think I love you"

what did he just say, I have no idea what to say because I think I feel the same so I just pretended to sleep

The next morning I woke up and when I was on my way to work I saw that I was running low on gas so I went to the gas station and decided to go in and get a snack when I was walking through the isles I heard a loud bang and then a loud ringing noise in my ears I knew exactly what it was, I was about to run when I bumped in to someone in the isle, it was the shooter, I froze and my heart started beating faster, I could see his mouth moving but I couldn't hear a word, my breathing got faster and faster and I could feel him spitting his words on my face then suddenly "PUT YOUR GOD DAM HANDS UP" I heard  him shouting "p-please don't shoot" I started to slowly put my hands up and he asked what happened to me "what d-do you mean" I replied my voice shaking "your face and arms stupid" then I realised he was talking about what Mathew had did to me "oh well it was uhm" I didn't want to say it, it hurt to much "SPIT IT OUT" I felt a cold shiver down my spine like I did when Mathew screamed at me and I jumped a little "it was my boyfriend" I mumbled "HUH SPEAK LOUDER" "my boyfriend" I said a little bit louder "GOD DAMMET BITCH SPEAK YOU HAVE A VOICE USE IT" "IT WAS MY GOD DAM BOYFRIEND OKAY" I started to sob and almost fell to the ground but he caught me and threw me to the ground "your boyfriends an ass" he said as he walked out the store, did I just stop a shooter, I felt something grip around my legs it was a small child hugging me "thank you so much you saved us" she said, I rubbed my eyes and bent down, I dried her tears and said "you are so brave you know that" I said giving her a hug, "HELPPPP" I heard someone screaming from behind the counter, he must have been the person who got shot, I ran to go help and saw it was a gunshot to the shoulder and he was bleeding allot, I knew what to do i could help "I'm a doctor I can help" I said as I lifted him up slightly to check for an exit wound but there was none so I grabbed my phone and rang 911, I passed it to the mother of the little girl and told her to hold it for me when they answered I told them everything that had happened while I was finding something to hold pressure on the wound with, I found a T-shirt and ran back to the patient I knelt down and put my hand on the wound then 911 said they would be 15 minutes but that was to long the bullet needed to be removed 

"ok" I got myself together and stood up, "hey can you please get me some hand sanitizer" I asked the little girl as I ran to get some alcohol "what are you doing" the women on the floor asked me " I need to remove this bullet right now and we have no medicine so is he ok to drink" "yeah yeah go ahead" she said crying, I ran to the floor and put my hand on my head forgetting about the blood "dammit" the little girl ran over to me with the hand sanitizer while I was giving him the shots of alcohol "ok I need you to cover your daughters eyes" "o-ok" I put my hand in the guys shoulder and pulled out the bullet and the guy was trying not to scream "OK I got it hold pressure on this" I got up covered in blood I took a deep breath and went to the side to sit down when the ambulance got here one of them came over to me and told me I made the right decision "I know" I said as he took me to get cleaned up and he noticed the bruises on me "did you get hurt in the shooting" "oh no this wasn't, I, its nothing just a few bruises i fell down the stairs" I let out a soft fake laugh he knew i was lying but he wasn't aloud to say anything so he let me go.

(Jacksons POV)

I was about to leave for work when April pulled up in the drive way and she had blood on her hands and clothes "what the hell April what happened" " oh I forgot to change well what happened was" she explained to me what happened "oh my god are you ok" "yeah I just came home to shower" "ok then if you need me to stay just say the word ok" "yeah thanks Jackson" she smiled and walked in to the house I stared at her until the door slammed shut, oh god I wish she had heard me last night.

I was at the hospital when Mark came up to me "want to scrub in on a face transplant with me" "wait really your kidding right "nope come scrub" as soon as he turned around I did a little happy dance but he saw "your hanging out with Kepner to much" he snickered I stopped and ran after him 

After the surgery I needed to tell someone what I had just done but I only wanted to to tell one person so I got into my car and drove home.

"April you hear I just had the coolest surgery ever" but no one answered so I sat down and waited for her I know it sounds stupid but I only wanted to tell her and that's when I heard the door "APRIL" "yeah what's wrong" "you will never believe what surgery I just did" "what" she said excitedly sitting on the couch next to me "A face transplant" "OH MY GOD JACKSON" she laughed handing me some chips "tell me more" she smiled, I smiled at her smile and told her all about the surgery "and then I closed" "You are so awesome Jackson" she giggled "I know " I smirked, we both yawned and went to our rooms for bed "night Jackson" "night April" we both walked into our rooms and I sat on my bed ready to sleep when I heard a knock at the door.

(Aprils POV)

dammit I loved that boy, my mind just filled with memories of us and I couldn't take not being with him so I went to his room and knocked on his door, when he answered I pulled him in and gave him the best kiss I've ever had I pulled away "I love you to Jackson" and then he pulled me into his room and slammed the door shut "are you sure about this April" "I'm sure" I smirked



I loved writing this chapter and I hope you liked reading it as much as i loved writing it

don't forget to vote love you bye <33

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