a beautiful baby...

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(8 and a half months later)

"hey Jackson"  "yeah Apes what's up" 

"I think I'm going to go on maternity leave early the little ones getting a little restless" I laugh but what he doesn't know is I'm in pain, this baby is giving me the worst back aches and head aches and morning sickness and I could go on, I can't even fit in my boots anymore my ankles are to swollen and I'm pretty sure it was not fun for Jackson either so I've decided to stay home and in bed to get some rest.

It was a few hours later and Jackson was still at work and I was sleeping but then a loud piercing noise woke me up "argh" what is that noise, I was all sweaty and I was quite light headed to so I got up for some water and the noise stopped, I decided to call Jackson because I knew something was not right.

(on the phone)

Jackson: "hey apes what's up, everything okay"

April: " yeah uhm everything is fine but I was wondering if you could come home I'm not feeling so good"

Jackson: "yeah of course I'll be right there sit down okay"

April: "thank you Jackson I love you"

Jackson: " I love you to babe"

*beeping noise*

April sets down her phone and was about to go take a seat in the living room when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach but she thought it was just Braxton hicks and she waved it off.

(Jacksons POV)

I got in the car and rushed home as quick as I could and I know April said that nothing was wrong but what if she was lying she doesn't like to look weak and I couldn't bare the thought of her in pain so I went as fast as I could go back to the house.

when I got home April was sitting on the couch with a worried look on her face "April what's wrong you look distressed" "Jackson" she said to me in a serious voice "what is it April" i said even more seriously" sitting down next to her "we need baby names" she started to panic "jesus April I thought someone was dead for a second" "Jackson I'm serious" "ok ok sit down and we can make a list okay" I grabbed her hand to calm her down and we started jotting out some names.











(Aprils POV)

"now we just need to choose one" I said looking into Jacksons eyes "okay how about" I felt another one of those sharp pains in my stomach again but this time it hurt more and I screamed "OH MY GOD APRIL WHATS WRONG" "THE BABY ITS COMING" I cried and he called 911, the next think I know I'm at the hospital about to give pre mature birth "I cant its to early" I said crying in my high pitched weak voice "April its okay" Jackson said gripping my hand because he knew that calmed me down, he started stroking my hair back and he said "you can do this" and his eyes lit up, I just wanted to stare into them forever "AHHHHH" I got another contraction "APRIL PUSH PUSH" "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I cried "KEEP GOING YOUR DOING SO GOOD" I wanted to stop but Jackson squeezed my hand tighter and I kept on pushing "AHHHHHHHH" "okay April one more push come on one more" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I  heard crying and my tears of pain turned into tears of happiness the minute I heard my baby " congratulations you have a beautiful baby girl" I smiled and the doctor came over with out baby and Jackson and I looked at each other "hey I have another name, Harriet" "Jackson nodded "I love it" the doctor handed me the baby girl/ Harriet "hey sweetie" I smiled and handed her to Jackson "were gonna keep you both over night just to make sure everything is okay because the pregnancy was early" me and Jackson both nodded and looked at each other  "we have a baby" I said softly "we have a baby" he said back.


"April are you ready to leave" Jackson said packing our things "yeah just a sec" I was brushing my hair before we left,  when we left the room everyone was crowded around us trying to see Harriet "she's adorable" I heard Arizona say "hey Kepner I think that's one of the most perfect babies I've ever seen and I've seen allot of babies" Alex said I said thankyou and let everyone see her quickly because really I just wanted to go home and spend some time with her myself and Jackson could tell so he got me out of there and we drove home and the hole time not one of us stopped smiling "she has your eyes" I said to Jackson and he said "she has your little button nose" I smiled and looked at our perfect daughter and then my phone started ringing, it was my mom "hey mom what's up" "me and the family are coming to see Harriet tomorrow, be ready" *beeping noise* "you have got to be kidding me" I say smacking my hand on my face "what" Jackson said looking between be and the road "my family are coming tomorrow I just gave birth yesterday don't they think its a bit early" "yeah it is-" Jackson got cut off by his phone starting to ring "hey could you get that April "yeah sure its your mom" I answered "hey Catherine" "oh April hello I just wanted to say that I will be in Seattle by tomorrow to see the baby" "WAIT WH-" *beeping noise* "what is it now" Jackson said " your mom is coming to this is gonna be a disaster" "what are we gonna do" Jackson said sarcasticly "its only family April calm down" we got out of the car and went inside and I was furious.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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