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(Aprils POV)

a few months later

It was 9:00 am and I was in me and Jacksons new house and I was not feeling great but I just shook it off and went to work,

when I got there I was feeling quite nauseas so I decided to go to the clinic for the day and that's when Arizona came up to me "so how far along are you" se said excitedly and a confused look appeared on my face "what do you mean" "crap you didn't know" "didn't know what Arizona what is going on" "April you're pregnant trust me I've been in peds for a long time I can tell when someone is pregnant" "oh my god that would explain the morning sickness" I grabbed Arizona's arm and dragged her to a room "you need to do a blood test" I said and she jumped with glee "hell yeah I do, oh my god I cant believe my best friends gonna have a baby" she was so excided about this and I have no idea why "Wait Jackson is the father right" I shot her a look which said 'ARE YOU SERIOUS OFCORSE E IS THE FATHER' and she looked down at her feet "yeah sorry" she giggled and dragged me to come get my blood tested.

"ill have the results to you by 5:00 pm sound good" "yeah thanks Ari" I said as I walked out

(Jackson's POV)

April has been acting weird all day and I am starting to get kind of worried but I'm sure she will be fine.

I was doing rounds at 5:00 and saw April sitting on a bed looking worried so I went to see if she was ok "hey, you ok" I said softly sitting next to her but she didn't seem to notice me "April hey" I said shaking her a little "oh yeah I'm good have you seen Arizona" "yeah I have actually she's right there" "k thanks" she said jumping up and running over to her.

(Aprils POV)

it was time for me to go see the results to the pregnancy test, hey Arizona you got the results?" "yeah here" "thanks" I didn't know if I wanted it to be positive or negative but I loved Jackson and if I had a baby with anyone I would want it to be him no one else, as I opened the letter I could hear my heart pounding and feel the sweat running down my forehead, oh my god its positive, I'm pregnant and I was happy about it I had to tell Jackson but when I went to get him he was gone .

(Jacksons POV)

April ran off and I left to go find mark "hey mark I'm gonna need that ring" "what the one I got for Lexie I thought you were already married" "well she only told me to marry her we never actually got married" "well in that case" he tossed me the ring and I ran off.

I was finished work and went home to wait for April, I put on some romantic music and got her roses, I knew I needed to look good so I spent a hole hour looking through suits to wear until I found the perfect one I just needed a tie and shoes, I was always really bad at tying ties I never wore them and when I needed to wear one April always did it for me so I got out my phone and went to you tube, about 10 minutes later I had finally done it and I heard the door open so I put on my shoes and ran to the living room.

(Aprils POV)

I walked into the house to some romantic music playing and only candles lighting up the house "Jackson" I said while taking my coat off in a confusing voice "hello" I laughed and went to the living room to find him wearing a suit and I gasped "oh my god what is all this" I said surprised " I thought I would give you a treat" he smiled "but you look so good and I look like I have been hit by a bus" "don't be silly you could never look bad" he said pulling my waist in to dance,

a few minutes later the song finished and Jackson went down to one knee and a smile appeared on my face  "I know you already proposed but we never actually got married and we were not in the best situation at the moment" he laughed and pulled out a ring "you are the only women I have loved in my life April and you have made me the happiest man in the world so will you make me even happier and marry me" he said while opening the box, I was speechless I tried to say yes but I couldn't so I just nodded and smiled but then I remembered something, Jackson was about to put the ring on my finger when I shouted "WAIT" he looked stunned and worried "there is something you should know before you marry me, Jackson I'm pregnant were having a baby" he smiled and slid the ring on to my finger, he stood up and lifted me in the air by my waist "WERE HAVING A BABY" he screamed and I laughed "I love you so much" a tear of happiness dropped from my cheek "I love you to April" we both smiled and fell on to the couch.




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