Chapter 27

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"Hey, how are you feeling now?" Mei asked softly. It's been four days since Yuzu had proposed and since then she would wake up every night two or three times just to trow up. Which became weird. 

Yuzu softly nodded as she washed her mouth, she had dark bags under her eyes since she couldn't sleep. 

Mei hugged her softly from behind and nuzzled her nose into Yuzu's neck, "If this happens one more time, we need to tell our mothers alright?"

Yuzu turned around without breaking the embrace and shook her head, "N-no, please don't Mei"

"Why? Do you want to check a doctor then?"

Yuzu shook her head.

"Then tell me why. I won't judge you and you know that" Mei caressed her cheeks softly when she talked.

"I-I searched it..." she gulped before continuing, "a-and I read that there might be chances of pregnancy..." 

Mei's eyes widened for a second. She looked as she thought about it, it was logic actually to be pregnant. They almost never wore condoms and have for the last weeks cum inside each other which makes the chances bigger.

A tear fell down from Yuzu's eyes when she saw Mei's reaction, "I-I mean, I am not sure you know. I still need to take a pregnancy test to make sure" she mumbled.

Mei looked up and her eyes soften when she saw Yuzu's tears, she whipped them away. "Baby, don't cry. If you are scared of being pregnant and you aren't ready, we can talk to a doctor and ask them how to stop it"

Yuzu closed her eyes feeling Mei's fingers caress her cheek, while more tears fell down. "I-it's not that Mei. If I am ready or not, I don't want to take someone's life. What I am scared of is how all of you would react if I really was pregnant" she whispered and slowly opened her eyes to see tears in Mei's.

"Don't say that. Baby, you know that all of us would support you. Plus, it was not your problem for being pregnant anyway. I am so sorry for not using protection-"

Yuzu smiled to herself before capturing those soft lips within hers into a passionate kiss. 

Mei was surprised before melting in the kiss. 

Once they broke away, Mei stared into Yuzu's eyes lovingly with a smile on. "So, since the pharmacies are 24 hours open, would you like to go get two tests to make sure if you are pregnant or not?"

Yuzu smiled weakly before nodding.


Mei and Yuzu had bought two pregnancy tests, they had called their mothers and told them the news. Which the two older women had insisted to come to one of their houses so the other could drive to them

"So, I just need to pee on this thing?" Yuzu asked.

"Yes, honey. And don't be scared, all of us are here for you" Ume answered as she handed Yuzu the two tests.

"Mei, go with her. She might need you there" Alissa said once Mei was back from the kitchen.

Mei raised a brow and looked at Yuzu asking if she needs help. Yuzu shyly nodded her head and walked to the bathroom with Mei following right behind her.

"Ugh, this is so embarrassing" Yuzu said once she let Mei in and locked the door.

Mei grabbed Yuzu's hands in hers, "Take a deep breath in, and everything is going to be okay alright? I am here for you"

Yuzu looked at Mei before taking a deep breath in and out. She slowly took her hands away from Mei's and walked up to the toilet. 

She turned and saw Mei looking at her but chuckled softly at her, "Turn around Mei, and close your ears"

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