Chapter 37

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Minutes passed and the limo stopped.

Mei smiled to herself and got out of the car, letting the door open for Yuzu she asked for her hand which Yuzu happily gave and got out too.

"So, where are we going to?" the blonde asked excitedly.

Mei wrapped her arms around her from behind and slowly kissed her neck. Yuzu giggled since it tickled her and turned around.

Mei looked at her and grinned as she grabbed her hand and started walking, "I want to watch the sunset for a bit with you"

Yuzu nodded and they walked on the concrete that was next to the beach.

"It's really beautiful here" Yuzu mumbled as she looked around the beach.

It was peaceful in clean, the sound of the waves was beautiful to hear.

Mei chuckled at her and looked at her fiance, "You are more beautiful baby"

Yuzu blushed slightly as she pecked her lips, "Thank you"

They continued the walk as they watched the sunset. They talked about random stuff, and about the houses.

Mei was happy to see how Yuzu was excited about a house they have seen a couple of weeks ago but was sad that it was already sold.

After the walk, Mei spotted the restaurant she was taking Yuzu to.

"Where are you kidnapping me now?" Yuzu said playfully.

The raven haired chuckled as she kissed her cheek, "Dinner, I know how much you have been dreaming of having a dinner date by the beach... so here are we" They stopped in front the restaurant.

Yuzu's eyes sparkled a bit and looked at Mei, she hugged her tightly.

Mei smiled and ran her hand through Yuzu's hair softly before the blonde let go, "So, should we head in?" she asked as she put her hand in front of her for Yuzu to take.

Yuzu wiped the small happy tears and grabbed her hand letting Mei lead her inside.

The waitress showed them the way to the balcony which wasn't crowded at all. It looked fancy and nice.

Yuzu smiled when they got closer to their table.

It was beautiful, with a couple of candles that just made it even more romantic.

The waitress walked away letting the two women alone

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The waitress walked away letting the two women alone.

Yuzu couldn't stop the smile that was placed on her face, "M-mei, this is so... Oh god I love you so much!" she cupped Mei's face and kissed her multiple times before one last and long one, making Mei moan into the kiss.

After they broke the kiss, Mei smiled and pecked her lips one more time.

She grabbed Yuzu's chair and mentioned for the blonde to sit before heading to her own.

Resting both her elbows on the table, Yuzu smiled at Mei.

Mei smiled back as she grabbed her hand kissing it softly, "You look beautiful love"

Yuzu giggled and intertwined their fingers, "Thank you"

Mei called a waitress and placed their order, they talked till the food came and began eating.

While cutting the steak, Yuzu looked up at Mei, "So, what are those surprises you wanted to tell me?" she asked sweetly before taking a bite.

Mei looked up at her.

"Well, one of them is that I have been accepted by the university" mei chuckled.

Yuzu squealed in excitement, "I am so happy for you baby, what are you studying?"

Mei thought for a moment and shrugged, "I don't know to be honest actually, I'll think about that more"

Yuzu noded.

"And what are the others?" she wiggled her brows making Mei laugh softly at her.

"Oh God, why are you so adorable?"

Yuzu just giggled at her making Mei also giggle at her.

"Alright, so the other one I am showing you later today" It was Mei's turn to wiggle her brows making Yuzu pout.

"Meanie" the blonde pouted as she playfully glared making Mei chuckle.

"There is also another one I want to show you later today, you better not complain" Mei joked and Yuzu only kept pouting.

After the amazing and romantic dinner, Mei grabbed Yuzu's hand once again and they headed to the end of the beach. Yuzu was confused for a second, she looked at the building in front of them and just grinned.

Turning around, she looked at Mei still grinning, "Could tonight be any better than it already is?!"

Mei chuckled as she caressed Yuzu's cheek, "Believe it or not, this is nothing and there is still one last surprise" she winked as they headed inside the building.

Yuzu looked around and saw it was empty, meaning it was their turn.

"How may I help you ladies?" A woman, covered in tattoos asked them while smiling softly at them.

Yuzu looked at Mei who nodded and then back at the woman, "Hi, we want to get tattoos."

The woman nodded and walked up to them, "So, may I know what kind of tattoo? Like where, how big and what kind of?"

Yuzu looked back at Mei, "So, what should we get?" she asked excitedly.

Mei smiled at er and shrugged, "Anything you want love. You wanted matching ones so just tell her were, what and how big and I'll just do the same"

Yuzu smiled and threw her arm around Mei's shoulder, "We would like to get one under the breast but then more to the right" she said as she pointed where on her body, "And uhm, we would like our names in Japanese"

The woman smiled and gave them each a small piece of paper, "Would you mind writing down what each of you wants so we could edit them and put them on your body?"

Nodding, they wrote down each other's names in Japanese and handed them to the woman.

She smiled at them as she edited it on the computer before getting the right piece of paper, "Who would like to go first? You two could also go together but then another artist would put the tattoo on you if you won't mind"

Mei shook her head, "We won't mind, as long as we get them at the same time" she smiled.

The woman nodded and walked them to a room that had two beds, she called someone. After they came, the woman gave them the paper with Yuzu's name so he could tattoo it on Mei.

"We are going to turn around, you two can off your shirt and stay in your bra." She said but then looked at Yuzu, "Oh, sorry I didn't notice, here is a towel so you could cover your breasts while getting the tattoo since you don't have a real bra under"

Yuzu thanked her and they got out of their upper clothes, Mei helped Yuzu cover her breasts with the towel once Yuzu laid down. After doing so, she laid down herself and told them they were done.

Yuzu giggled and removed some hair from Mei's face since the beds were close to each other.

Mei smiled back plopped her nose.

To Be Continued...

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