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Shoto sat down at his new desk and from the corner of his eye he spotted red. Turning over he caught Bakugo staring at him, deep in thought. The blond hadn't noticed how Todoroki had risen from his chair and was making his way over towards him until they were face to face.

"Like what you see Blondie?"

"Fuck off dumbass I was just zoned out I wasn't staring at you on purpose."

"But you admit that you were staring?"


The younger of the two chuckled and went back to his seat. But he didn't realize that the other's gaze never left.

The day went on, with every new class Katsuki became more and more intrigued by the new kid. Was he a vampire? They are known to have porcelain clear pale skin. But he would've had fangs, and earlier Bakugo had clearly not seen any fangs. Perhaps a wingless fairy or an elf?

Just as he thought that our candy cane boy pushed a tuft of hair behind his ear revealing that they were not pointy and were actually round, like most people's.

So not an elf or wingless fairy. Odd. If he was a werewolf Bakugo would've sensed it immediately. You could see him so unlike Hagakure he wasn't a ghost. A wizard maybe? Or perhaps siren? The red-eyed male had no idea what to make of this new addition to the class and it pissed him off.

Though the entire time he was staring at Shoto a certain blue-eyed girl was staring at him. And she didn't like how Todoroki seemed to take the blond's attention. Mitsuriki was mad, very mad.

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