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The rest of the day went by, and thankfully avoiding Hanakko and Bakugo was easy. Shoto just wanted to go home and take a nap at this point, classes wore him out and it was only his first day.

Packing up his things he smiled looking at the mermaid stickers on his notebooks. His siblings had gifted them to him for his birthday a few years back and now he was finally putting them to good use.

Since he was new his dorm wasn't ready, so he had to sleep at home for the time being. But when he started hearing soft pattering outside the window, he froze.

Looking up he wished he had misheard but no luck, it was raining, hard.

A look of despair crossed his face and he groaned in frustration. Now what was he going to do? It's not like he could just leave in the rain. Not only would it reveal his species to everyone but it would be a pain to move around.

Slumping back down in his seat he waited until everyone was gone so he could ask Aizawa what to do.


"Ah Todoroki. You're still here?"

"Yes. Um...It's raining so I can't really leave. And my dorm isn't ready yet." He explained. The teacher stared at him in confusion.

"Are you..?" He didn't have to finish his sentence as the student nodded slowly. Eyes widening in wonder he chuckled,

"Well I'll say, we haven't had one of your kind at Yuuei in years. Just share a dorm with someone." Scanning his eyes over the list of names and dorm room numbers he stopped at a random one.

"Room 232. If he complains tell him to take it up with me." Todoroki nodded and left the classroom.

On his way there he wondered who the person could be. He only prayed it wasn't-


"Half'n'half. Can I help you?" Katsuki glared at the boy who had knocked on his door. The taller male sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Can I stay with you?"

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