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Hanakko did not appreciate how her beloved Katsuki's attention was being stolen away by, in her words, some slut who thinks he can just show up and become king of the school.

However she couldn't have been more wrong.

Shoto had quite a history with people attempting to sleep with him, going so far as to force themselves onto the poor boy but not being weak nor a coward he always fought back and won. Frustrated the offenders would spread rumors that they slept together and some girls would flip the story around so that Todoroki appeared as the bad guy.

This is one of the main reasons why he switched schools in the first place, to get away from the rumors and people who only care about popularity.

And he hates popularity, the one thing he could never wrap his head around was why people were so hell bent on "ruling the school" what did that even mean? So many students would throw everything they against a wall and wait to see what stuck, what gave them that popularity they were craving. Not this boy, he kept to himself and didn't need other people's validation.

Hanakko did not know any of this, and she was going to cause trouble.

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