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Shoto spent his lunch period trying to decipher why Bakug had stared at him so much during class. Was he really that curious about what his species was? Todoroki didn't even know why he didn't tell them in the first place. It wasn't really that big of a deal, but his species was definitely on the rarer side. He worried maybe they'd think he was a human, which would make sense considering his outside appearance could lead to that assumption. But he was not, his species just required...special circumstances to be seen. 

And he doubted anyone would actually put him in those circumstances so he had to verbally confirm what he was, something he didn't do, for no apparent reason other than...pettiness? Perhaps? He really had no idea. 

"Oi, new kid." That gruff voice was instantly recognized by the half'n'half haired boy. Sighing deeply, he realized maybe his plan to avoid the man was going to fail miserably. 

"Yes Bakugo?" He asked, not turning around. The blond sat next to him, aggressively slamming his tray onto the table. Shoto winced at the sound but continued eating. He really hoped that creepy chick didn't see them. 

"Why won't you tell me what you are?" The younger froze, of course that's what he wanted to ask. 

"Because it's more fun watching you try and figure it out." 

"Hah?! You think I care about you so much I'd waste my precious time trying to decipher what species you are? I'll spare you the mental effort, I don't. But it pisses me off that you think you're so special you don't have to tell anyone. But make my words, I'll find out one way or another." Katsuki growled, taking a sip of his water. Slamming his cup down on the table he watched curiously as the other seemed to back away from him quickly. 

Species (BNHA/MHA FF)Where stories live. Discover now